Hi there. Some of you may remember when I purchased this armoire off Craigslist. I still love it, but wanted to keep up with the times and make it a little cleaner looking. It was taking up a lot of space visually so I thought if I took away the distressing and put a coat of white on it, I would get the look I wanted.
Since we are dealing with COVID and I didn’t want to go into a shop if I didn’t have to, I ordered a can of Chalked furniture paint from Amazon. I received same day delivery! Yea!
Here is the before that I had painted and distressed years ago.
Here is the after:

Got anything you need refreshed?
Just love it. You are so talented. I enjoy old things like a screen insert out of door with Rainbo is Good Bread painted on the screen. A wooden coaster wagon with iron wheels for a coffee table. And I collected primitive my whole life and when I was in South Carolina thought I would collect pretty silverware and blue and white dishes. So I eat off Flow Blue dishes and use real silver, mismatched of course. I signed up for more posts. Thanks!
Looks lovely! I have discovered “Farmhouse paint” which is an awesome brand – it has resin in the mixture and glides on silky smooth with an awesome finish. Give it a try – you’ll love it.
What a good idea to refresh that beautiful piece of furniture. I’m continually amazed how much you get done so quickly. What you do in a week takes me about a year to figure it all out. Thank you for some inspiration. Great job once again.