…some days are stone.”
There once was a girl named Kelly. She loved John Denver so very much that she wanted her best friend to love John Denver too. So, she printed out a million copies of his face and put them all over Best Friend’s locker. Kelly made her mixed tapes with his songs and even convinced her to see him at Wolf Trap. Fast forward 20 years and those darn songs are still in Best Friend’s head.
He wrote one with these lyrics “some days are diamonds and some days are stone.” For some reason when I’m having the stone days I think of that song and hum it. I think of a big, gray, hard stone that is rather unpleasant and difficult to move. Then I can’t help but think of a diamond and how shiney and precious it is. And then I start to think that the days that I can make cookies with Fiona and watch Greta play guitar to Little Mermaid (She’s not at the point where she knows this doesn’t really work) and OH! my Reid when he insists I sit next to him and he puts his head on me and whisper’s “You are my Queen”. Those are diamond moments.
Today is a rainy, stoney day full of physical pain. I really wish I had something wonderful & creative to share with you. I don’t. But, maybe tomorrow when it’s a bit more diamond-y around here. I know we share painting and decorating in common, but I bet we share these moments too.
And what about those uncut diamonds that look like rocks to begin with. I’m sure there is some wisdom & purpose in that.
(Best Friend admits that I’ve always been fond of “Annie’s Song.”)
That is my favorite John Denver song, too, and lately I’m playing it on my ipod or humming it daily for some reason. Maybe because it is so calming and full of love. I do hope your physical pain eases soon.
Hope you feel better soon!
Hi Christen,
My girlfriends and I used our “stacked LP” player, and fell asleep to John Denver during our “sleep overs”. Anyone over 40 should know what an LP is and how you can stack them on a record player. He was also my very first concert! Love him to this day. Lot’s of good memories!
Feel better!!
This brought tears to my eyes remembering when u and Kelly were little…love what u wrote but can’t wait for u to have more diamond days…hugs Terry
Dear Best Friend, wow! What joyful memories – brought me to tears. Love you so very much, grateful for the many trips around the sun we share. Healing prayers for peace & comfort. Wishing you shiny diamond days with sunshine on your shoulders- you fill up my senses! Abundant light and love dear BFF.
Just in case you don’t know about it please check out http://www.bravegirlsclub.com.
Melody Ross has such an inspiration web site that I personally find very encouraging. She too is an artist.my favorite post of hers is called “you will fly again”. Your post today made me think of that blog from Melody.
Hang in there girl…you will fly again. I am certain.
We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have our diamond days and stone days. I am praying that you have a diamond day! Praying for healing.
Ah Christen….still praying for your healing. Remembering as I read your post that diamonds began as coal…and the “pressure” over time of incredible weight (burdens) made that diamond what it is today!! So though we do have these “light afflictions” we do believe that God is making diamonds of us thru the pain!! You are a diamond honey and I believe God is making a wonderful thing out of your life. Even these posted you write to us all are filled with nuggets of gold – encouragement for us all!! You’ve no idea how much God has placed within you!!
Ah Christen….still praying for your healing. Remembering as I read your post that diamonds began as coal…and the “pressure” over time of incredible weight (burdens) made that diamond what it is today!! So though we do have these “light afflictions” we do believe that God is making diamonds of us thru the pain!! You are a diamond honey and I believe God is making a wonderful thing out of your life. Even these posts you write to us all are filled with nuggets of gold – encouragement for us all!! You’ve no idea how much God has placed within you!!
My heart aches for you. I pray you improve with each passing day and may you have sunshine on your shoulders always.
Dear Christen…Have been reading your blog approx. a year now and know how incredibly talented, blessed and grounded you are (never have met you but would love to). I found and was drawn to your site not just for the information it provided, but because of your beautiful work and your transparency. A wonderful plus is how you have honored God and acknowledged His importance in your life. Since your injury, I’m sure you’ve experienced some low days wondering why you and why now. Rest assured that the same God that has taken you to wonderful mountaintop experiences, is with you as well in this valley. He is your right hand and I trust that you will take the time needed to heal. Your next mountain awaits you!! Prayers you and your family