When starting a creative business you have to start somewhere and frequently one finds oneself starting out of necessity. You may want an unconventional career or some extra money on the side and that is why you start your own business. Maybe you need a few festive scarves so you take up knitting. Maybe you need some wall art so you do some black and white photography. Maybe you found a ratty chair on the side of the road and need it for your new baby’s nursery (this may be a true story) and learn to make a slipcover.
I started Blue Egg Brown Nest when I needed kitchen chairs for my new home. We had no budget for furniture and so I made my DH pick up some old, wheat-back chairs off Craigslist. He was truly skeptical when unloading them at my in-laws house where we were staying while building. To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing either or if I had just wasted a 100 bucks.
Here is one after cleaning, stripping, sanding. sigh. Actually, my sweet DH did all that gross work 🙂
I ordered about 5 boxes of milk paint from The Real Milk Paint Store, a bottle of white adhesive a something called tung oil. Oh my!
They make many different colors, but I was after something specific. It took a week to achieve.
These are still the chairs that my kids have breakfast at every morning. I heart them. And when I don’t anymore I will just paint them again!
When you are ready to start your creative business, begin at the beginning – with yourself. You will appreciate the gift you have made yourself with your own hands and you will use it because of it’s personal quality. Then once you have experimented and perfected it you are ready to share it with the rest of us!
Got a creative business that you’d like me to highlight? Email me and I will pick one for the month of February!