Hi Friends! How is everyone holding up? I pray you are all safe and cozy in your beautiful homes.
We have been working on a steady stream of projects over here, which basically means I’m coming up with projects for Brent and the kids! It’s a perfect match. He has been working from home and his happy place is definitely building and working with his hands. It all works out well for me because I’m looking around the house at a few things that would help spruce up the place.
The latest project is custom cabinets for the garage. Dear Husband has lots of talents, but he struggles a bit with…the hoarding of tools. I’m too embarrassed to even show you a before of the garage where he stores them.
Long story short, I ran out of room for this gorgeous chicken coup cubby cabinet that I discovered and purchased at Lucketts a few years ago. It was in my living room for a while until I realized I needed to edit for a bit. I put it in “storage” aka the garage for a minute and before I knew it Brent had filled it to the brim with screws and bolts and all kinds of things.
In the effort to accommodate a sparkly new space, I am giving it away for FREE to anyone that can pick up. It is such a lovely, interesting piece. I am sad to give it away, but I truly don’t have the room for it.

Here are a few other similar pieces I’ve seen….Also, I read that it’s the kind of thing Joanna Gaines says you should never pass up at a flea market.

Here’s a little preview of what we had to make space for. Organization!

If you are interested in my chicken coup cubbies and can pick up, email me: cbensten@blueeggbrownnest.com I’d love it to go to a good home!

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