So, no sooner did I drop off my deposit for my space at the Holiday Market at Stifel & Capra that I heard back from Kelly at Stylish Patina. I had contacted her about selling some of my pieces in her new barn in Frederick, MD. Check out her site:
She said she loves my work and would love to have me sell in her new barn! Wow! There is a monthly rental fee for the space and I was upfront in telling her that financially it might not be good timing since I’m just starting the sales/marketing process. Anyway, we’ve been corresponding and there is a chance she might let me have a bit of space! Fingers crossed!
Kelly also sells Annie Sloan on her site and is a great person for me to watch & learn from! Thanks, Amy, for suggesting I check in with her. Amy also told me that Kelly started out doing sales from her home 2xs a year. Maybe I could do that…..?
Back to the problem/problems. Stylish Patina’s first barn sale is next weekend. The Stifel & Capra Holiday show is next weekend. My daughter’s 3rd rainbow birthday party is next weekend. I’m not even mentioning that I don’t have business cards, a photo book, price tags, oh and unfinished furniture in my garage! eeek!
Now where is that fairy godmother Greta is always talking to?
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