“Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.” – John Lennon
And just like that…a second mammogram and they found a mass. And they did a biopsy. And now I’m waiting.
I decided to write a poem during the waiting. I share it with you because I KNOW there are so many of you out there that have battled cancer, breast cancer and the scares and all of it.
And as you know, I talk about hard things for many reasons – to eliminate shame, to connect with like-minded people and to say back to Fear that it has no power here.

Crazy On You is available now! Here.

Starving by Christen Bensten

Dear Christen, I had to read your post 3 times to make sure I was understanding it correctly. I could feel the words in your poem and understand how lonely and scary those tests must have been. The waiting for an answer must be so hard. I can only imagine. Thank you once again for always sharing with your followers. Even though I’ve never met you, I feel as if you are an old friend as I have followed your blog for years. I’m so sorry you are going though this right now. Please just know that I am sending you a lot of positive thoughts, and love, and prayers. I’m virtually holding your hand from Florida. Love, Diana
Hi Diana. Thank you so much for your kind email. I appreciate you reaching out and all the support. We have to hold each other up in tough times. Thank you for following and for praying. I love that you said you are holding my hand from FL. Brings tears to my eyes.