If there were 3 people that I would like to be trapped on a island with, it would be a group like the one that was in my home yesterday. What a treat to be around smart, interesting women that appreciated the work I have been doing.
The Washington Post photo shoot was yesterday. Jura, Tippi & Katherine arrived at the same time, took a tour of the house and decided which shots they would take. I sipped on a venti the my DH picked up for me and tried not to be in the way.
Exterior. Family room. Master bedroom. Reid’s room. Dining room. Family portrait. My portrait in a room of furniture. Detail shots.
The funniest parts of the day included corralling Ollie & Own to participate in a shot of the bedroom.
Reid was also fairly humorous when placed in front of the Union Jack dresser while the 4 of us urged him to look handsome.
Like motherhood, I’ve learned that there is no privacy in photo shoots. I loved Tippi’s honesty when discussing my boxy sweater and if it made me look too…boxy. And like the creative person she is, came up with a cleaver solution involving an over-sized paper clip that I just happened to have lying around.
Get ready, Fram, your beautiful painting is in a shot of the dining room! Something like this one, but better:
And Jura, since you are now Fiona’s BFF and the only person who can now put her down for her nap, we expect to see you for Thanksgiving 🙂
I’m truly grateful for the experience. Article schedule for February 9th.
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Man! Gotta appreciate a good cat butt shot..Priceless.
Ha! Great site…Just found you….hmmm…where the hell have I been?!
Glad to meet a fellow ASCP fiend! Or “chalk Whore” which I myself prefer! 😉
Keep um’ comin momma, your doin’ an AWESOME job!
Love from the .O.C..xoxo