Amy who?
There are many brands of furniture paint popping up, aren’t there? Martha Stewart, Cece Caldwell, Van Gogh, American Paint Company and the latest one I’ve come in contact with, Amy Howard. I have experimented with most of these brands, but have not fallen in love like I have with Annie Sloan.
I like that there are options and price points out there for home-owners, though. One of the concerns for me with other paints has been color selection. I have a style that I want to achieve in my home and some of the colors offered and mission statements behind these paints have not really aligned with my style.
Luckett’s stocks Amy Howard furniture paint. I had never heard of it until I saw the collection. I decided it was important to try so I could try to inform you all. As an aside, I am a total sucker for good marketing and packaging. I buy wine based on a clever label. Amy Howard’s product is simple in it’s design and pretty.
I am trying the paint on a pedestal table. My first reaction is that is it a bit sticky. Maybe this means that it will adhere easily. It seems to dry quickly and it covers well.
I did a video short on my first coat, but it did not turn out since I got a phone call on my phone! I will post more on my results this week. Bottom line, seems worth a try at this point. Here colors are also pleasing.
Hi Christen,
I know this is an old post but what were you final results and thoughts on Amy Howard paint?