I get requests all the time to do more tutorials. A few months ago I asked you all what you would like to see. I received many great ideas! The problem is getting my kids out of the house long enough to tape something 🙂 I do get loads of questions about clear waxing with a lint-free rag since this is now my process and many people asked me to demo this. So I did.
You can check it out here on YouTube
Basically, instead of using a round, wax brush I now use a lint-free cloth. The process is much smoother and goes faster than with the brush. Apply in a horizontal motion and cover any bare spots along the way. You will be happy with the result using this method.
Problems viewing the video? Let me know. Thanks! Next Tutorial will be on applying gold leaf to your piece. Stay tuned.
Good morning! Love your tutorials. Thank you Christen!
Thank you for this tutorial, it is very helpful! I have completed my first few projects with Chalk Paint and used a rag and found it went pretty smoothly. Your other videos were really helpful in getting me started with my projects I actually included some links to your tutorials and to your blog on my personal blog. You do great work and I am really enjoying your blog, keep up the great work.
I’ve got a dining table that I’m going to paint in French Linen using clear wax only. It’s our kitchen table and will get a lot of use. Any recommendations for the table top? It’s my first time using AS paint, and I’m not sure if there is something special I should do to help ensure the durability of the table top.
Love your pieces, love your style! Thanks
Can I use this technique with white wax?
Can you tell me what you mean by white wax? Is it clear when you put it on something?
Thanks for the great tutorial. I also love working with a cloth. Glad to see you looking so well. hikchik aka Vikki
Thanks Christen!
Great info and as cute as ever!
Great tutorial, Christen! It’s as though I’m listening to a friend speak. Your videos are informal,very informative and fun to watch. Thanks for sharing your knowledge…i’m a glass artist mak g glass tops for found pieces (metal and wood) ~ also make custom fused glass knobs. Just getting started with painting techniques… Best to you!
I did a buffet that was in terrific shape. I kept the top natural and painted the bottom in AS white. I love it but the top continually leaves finger prints and doesn’t seem to have cured and this was done nearly three months ago. I know thin I should strip the wax from the top only and cover in polyurethane . Suggestions?
Thanks for your great tutorials! Can you use a lint free rag to apply dark wax as well? Thanks again!
Always enjoy your blog and inspiration. I have never used a brush with the wax, just a rag, seems like better control with a rag. Thanks!
Love your site..it’s all great, the pics, the typography, colors, did you do it all yourself? I want so much to start my own..I love DIY and have done a few projects…you do such a great job even though you are so busy with kids, hubby, house and all. Keep up the great work!
I want to paint front door. Can I use AS pain on the door as it gets cold here? (lower Mich) I have a glass storm door in front so it does not get wet. Thanx much, enjoyed your tutorial. Chris
From your tutorials I’ve really learned how to use the AS chalk paint – thank you!!
I just painted a rolltop desk in the Florence color and I’m LoViN’ it!!
I’m stuck…. I don’t think I want to disresss it with sandpaper but I do want to use dark wax, what is your opinion on how much dark wax, just the edges/corners or the whole thing? For some reason I’m a little nervous about it!! Help!
Can you use a microfiber cloth (rather than cotton) to apply or remove excess wax?