Episode 1
I’ve always hated people telling me that I had to wait or that I could not do something that I really felt like I could do or at least try to do. It may have something to do with being a little sister. I always wanted to be able to do what the big kids were doing. So, in this spirit, I’m launching my own TV show. How can I do that, you may ask? Ah, the power of social media. It has always been a friend to me.
Let me be very clear in saying that this is rough. I mean really ROUGH. But, there is beauty in real honestly, isn’t there? There is community and humanity when we can relate to other people. When I started dating DH, I said to myself “I am going to let myself be completely honest with this one.” I realized that hiding my sensitivity, emotions, thoughts and freckles would be way too exhausting and create an unstable foundation to start on. I wanted this relationship to last. I wanted to be Christen. I was done hiding.
I feel the same way in my business, Blue Egg Brown Nest. It may not always look polished on my YouTube Channel as is does in images of my home in magazines, but I love letting the realness of my life be exposed. I want you to see me without make-up, my kids fighting over wanting to paint and my dog barking in the background. There is a time for glossy photos and there is a time to let real life shine.
I decided to do my own TV show. And by TV Show I mean taping me working. I like to keep Food Network on almost all day long – or I used to before Bubble Guppies overtook my family room. Each episode was a few recipes from start to finish. Why can’t I try something similar? I get hundreds of questions a week from readers and maybe this would be an opportunity to show more techniques. I like the idea.
Here is my first episode on BEBN TV! If it turns into a fun idea then I will tape a few sessions a month – once kids are in school and I am less distracted.
I love hearing from people that they think we could be best friends when they watch my videos. I totally agree! One day we will all meet, Dear Readers, and give warm hugs and talk about painting over a steamy cup of tea.
With lots of love.
Of all blogs I have ever read, yours is honestly the one I love the most:) I would most definitely have lots to talk about over a cup of coffee or a cup of tea! You are amazing! Thanks for all that you share!
Well I for one, LOVE your new tv channel! Go for it!!! Love your two “Taylor Swift” inspired daughters “shaking it off” while you paint and share! 😉
You are a doll. Love your realness. Love how you share. I was literally in a “I can’t seem to start” on a cabinet, due to the inside seeming “daunting” as you put it. NOW, because of your new “tv show” 🙂 that you taped, I think I may just jump on in it. Love that spirit you carry!
Blessings and I’m a fan!
I love it!!! Please keep doing the videos .
Tv show is a great idea. I was a little worried when reading that it was going to be on actual t.v and i wouldn’t be able to watch it as i am english, so really glad you have done it on youtube. Thanks Christen xoxo
Really enjoyed being able to watch your painting “style”. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the series. Don’t leave us hanging too long!!
This kids are precious, by the way.
You and your daughter are adorable! I learn so much from your tutorials. I hope you decide to continue with these episodes. Great Idea!
Yes, yes Christen. It would be great to see how you work on different projects.
Great idea!!!!
Yes! Great idea! Looking forward to more!
This was wonderful. Looking forward to more.
omg this was the best!! a lot of learning with a little fun from your amazing kiddos! please do keep making these videos! best “reality” show ive ever watched ;))
You inspire me everyday and I always get very happy when I see a post from you in my mailbox! I love the new TV show and your wonderful children…I happen to have a few helpers myself! Lol. Keep up the great work!
You inspire me everyday and I always get very happy when I see a post from you in my mailbox! I love the new TV show and your wonderful children…I happen to have a few helpers myself! Lol. Keep up the great work! You are fantastic!
Yes, Please keep the TV shows coming!! I love to see you in action and I so very much enjoyed your daughter’s entertaining while you patin! You guys make a great team!! I love your blog and your style. Thanks so much for sharing what you do and for your inspiration!
This is a great idea Christen! Just came back from vacation in the Riviera Maya myself so I have missed a few of your postings. I don’t follow blogs, but I love yours. In an ocean of totally boring “reality shows”, and others focusing in buying or selling houses I think your idea is very inspiring, as there is nothing about actual home decorating on TV. I think many of your readers do want to know how to go about painting, or decorating and for some of us it could be kind of daunting. The kids are adorable. Keep it up!