Without further ado, I am thrilled to announce that you will be able to shop Blue Egg Brown Nest at the The Old Luckett’s Store starting late September! eeeek! I grew up going to Lucketts, my children’s furniture is all from Lucketts, I shop at Luckett’s all the time and have been a part of the Spring Market and now I am going to sell at the shop. The front porch right by the front door to be exact.
If you recall, my Luckett’s friends offered me a room a few years ago. I was super flattered as I was told that the waiting list is 10 years long. I thought and prayed about it, coming to the conclusion that it was just not the right time for me and my family. I had at least one child in diapers and the other was barely able to climb up the steep steps of the bus by herself. My babies needed me ready and able.
I have had the luxury of working for home, accepting refinishing pieces and selling pieces from my safe spot. I feel like the time is right to step out just a wee bit. I have been super honest about being a little, well, nervous about committing to anything too big. I want to still be able to attend to my family while loving what I work on. My Luckett’s friends are the very sweetest of peaches and told me that I can take the space for a month or for a very, very long time. It was all about what works for me and if I am happy. Wow. What encouraging words.
Everything is in the timing, isn’t it? I’m going to give it a go, pray big and eat/sleep/sell vintage. Promise me you will come visit me and my little space! I need to see friendly faces and nothing makes me more giddy then running into a friend I have never met before, but knows little ole me.
Feeling blessed.
FYI – This is a call to all pickers & home-owners. If you are local and have vintage furniture and/or antiques to sell, email me! cbensten@blueeggbrownnest.com
Okay, DH, here is our next adventure. Buckle up!
So happy and excited for you. Love Lucketts. Wishing you great success as you begin this new journey. Have fun!!
Fantastic news! I’m so happy for you! I only wish I was close enough to visit! Congratulations and best wishes!!!
I loved this message. Because you explain why you couldn’t do it before and how excited you are to do it now. It is so important for us to share our decision making to help the moms/women behind us. Best wishes and I know it will be a great success!!! PLEASE POST when you are open. I live near Baltimore, but have a wedding down that way in Sept and would love to stop in!! Jayne
Very happy for you! Love your pieces!
Fun! Stretch and Grow, you will be fabulous! I love the little photo bomb in the back seat! Best wishes! Bonnie
This is fantastic! Lucketts is always a stop on our trips home to Virginia…very excited to get to see your pieces in person. Best of luck!
Dear Christen,
Even though you never meet people you follow on the interenet, you get a small sense of knowing them. I don’t even know how or why your site came on my Facebook feed.Right from the start though your sweet, honesty touched my heart. The very best wishes in your adventure of working, raising your family and now having a retail space! You are very talented I know you’ll have great success!!!
I love that place! We pass it all the time driving back to MD the Frederick way. Congrats!
XX Anna
I’m so thrilled for you! Planning a trip to Charleston S.C. in February, and will definitely swing by… all the best to you and your fam!
Congrats, timing is everything.
So very happy with your great news ! We try to stop on our way from NC to Pa. at Luckett’s …. While traveling to family trying to avoid DC traffic … Now YOU being there all the more reason !!!! Yay !!! Hope to see you soon , Praying along with you in the meantime ! Gods timing is perfect ! Barbara
Wonderful, Christen! So happy for you — see you there someday. ox ox
Christen, I wish you the very best – congrats! I hope they’ll give you the option of indoors if you so choose. When we were there in April, I wondered how that furniture out on the porch survived the elements (it was raining that weekend). I’d hate for your work to be at risk. Then again, it probably won’t be there long once you get it there. 😉
So happy for you!! I love seeing your youtube videos! I wish I lived in VA! Will some of your merchandise be available on their online store to purchase?
Congratulations! What an honor! They believe in you, and so do we. You go, girl!
So very happy for you..Have fun..hikchik
Wow! Amazing news and I am happy to know the season is right for you and your family! I met you at missmustardseed Lucketts tent, I was working with her when I recognized you and geeked out! Lucketts will be perfect for you! I am. In leesburg if you ever need a place to sip tea or coffee,,,or need my help hauling your goods onto the porch!