I love working outside in spring! Of course March is that whole lion and lamb thing so I started this set in my house. No one seemed to mind.
Just a reminder about painting colored furniture, when you go to sand you will get that original color and then the raw wood. Some people hate that original color and others think it enhances the piece. If you do not want the original color showing through then don’t sand instead you can use your dark wax to create a rubbed look. Here’s what I mean:
Also, you will notice that the chairs are straw on the seat. I taped around this. Paint color is Country Grey.
Here’s the end result.
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I love your website and I found you in Vintage Style magazine…would have been nice for them to at least credit your home. Anyhow, I hope it has given you more traffic because when you search for the magazine your blog comes up. This post is great, the bottles look chic and simplistic, but my all time favorite is the cat who looks just like my fat blue Russian !
Hi there, love your site. So I live in Israel & I am farmhousing & distressing everything. HELP Please! I have a IKEA light wood veneer ( I guess) dining table. I want it to look either weathered or distressed. Do I need to sand it first, prime? Than paint it dark so when I sand it dark will show through or will the light wood show through? Or just paint dark & than paint white over dark & wipe off with paper towels?
Whatever you can do to help me would be so appreciated. You are great You tuber.
Thanks so much, have a great day!