I had no idea what this was until about 6 months ago when I wanted to post other sites’ links on my page. I now have my very own!
What is a blog button?
Basically, it’s Blue Egg Brown Nest’s logo with link that you can add to your blog and/or website. You will see the icon with a code underneath that you can add. DH taught me a bit about coding (ahem) so this part is not too hard if you have your own site.
Add Blue Egg Brown Nest’s blog button to your site this week and I’ll post you url to my readers in a “thank you” post!
Jayne says
I have to figure this out to make my own button, love yours! And I’ve added it to my sidebar 🙂
Jess says
I already had your calling card on my sidebar, but have replaced it with this! I’m really enjoying watching the evolution of your blog! x jess
Kiki says
done! Also, may want to talk to you about a sidebar spot for a project I’m working on. 🙂 Will send you an email in a few weeks!