I was always hesitant to do this because, well, I haven’t had time and who really wants to see themselves on tape. But, I’ve had alot of requests and want to show you how I interpret using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
You may have noticed a new icon on my site called “Tours & Tutorials”. I decided to do some videos in this section based paint & home. So, there will be a series of posts on chalk paint and interiors.
This first video is the first step in chalk paint. I hope it’s helpful. More importantly, I hope to show that painting needs to be fun, interpretive and made you own. Don’t do everything I do. Find your own style and like Ginger my first boss told me, decide what you love and then have the confidence to say it’s the best.
Here goes nothin’. (please forgive the children screaming in the background and hiccup in the beginning. DH is new to splicing video!)
You can also search for me on You Tube at blueeggbrownnest.com and Blue Egg Brown Nest Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Tutorial #1
Thanks always for the encouragement, Lovelies!
Leslie J says
Thank you so much for the tutorial! I’ve been using ASCP for months now, I’ve about exhausted the wooden pieces in my home and have moved on to my kitchen cabinets which turned out beautifully! I was surprised that you used the large brush that I use for the clear wax, but what coverage you get with that big brush. I usually use a 1.5″ angled brush but I’d love to get another big brush and try that. I loved seeing your technique, I tend to brush really carefully and seeing your technique will give me confidence to be a little more artistic (is that the word?) in my painting. Thanks so much! I hope all was well with the little one who was crying at the end of the video!
Liz says
You look fabulous and I adore the kids’ background noise (but poor kiddo crying there at the end). Looking forward to your next video!