Hey! Here are your Q&A’s.
Got questions? Email me and I’ll post at cbensten@blueeggbrownnest.com
Just painted my dining table in graphite and paris grey and put a matte poly on the table top. I was wondering if I could put clear wax over that?
No. If you use a poly for a topcoat then you will not need to use any wax.
Are you opposed to directing people to use Annie Sloan’s Lacquer when they want a more durable seal than wax?
I have not used the lacquer yet. I plan on trying it and will do a post! In the meantime I would say experiment yourself!
When you have used USHIP in the past, how did you go about weighing your furniture pieces?
I didn’t. I used the measurements, estimated a weight and always provided a picture. This always sufficed with my shippers.
When you get done and start to wax after that do you have to clear coat the furniture. or does it just dry and all is good. i have done several pieces of my rustic furniture but did reg paint and bar of soap and stain. your way is sooooo much easier and i love the way it looks..
Soap? How interesting. Yes, this way is much more clear cut. It comes in a can!
I was looking through the Q&A section and saw a few answers about using dark wax. I just did a dresser in French Linen and applied the dark wax but after two weeks it is still tacky. I did not apply clear wax over and wondering if that is why or if it is just that I did not remove enough of the dark wax. If it is the latter can I still remove the dark wax and how would I do so?
Yes, this is why it was tacky. You need to use the clear wax if you are going to use dark wax and want a smooth finish. Otherwise it will not go on easily. Also, when you use your dark wax be sure to go behind your brush with fine steel wool. It will help smooth it out and take off the excess.
I am just about to start my very first project with chalk paint, and I’m so excited! I have two chairs that I just recently painted with a bright green latex paint. I really don’t like the color, and was wondering if I could paint over it with chalk paint. Will it show through?
No, it won’t show through! Just start your Chalk Paint.
Also, I have another chair I wanted to paint with chalk paint, but it has a clear, shiny varnish (not sure if that is the right word!) on it. I know not much prep work is required when using chalk paint, but do I need to rough it up a bit first?
Nope! That’s the beauty of ASCP! Have fun.
I have a vintage dining table and chairs which I purchased at an antiques store about 10 years ago. The wood top is dark brown and someone had painted and distressed the edge of the top and the legs a seafoam/aqua with ivory. The color is okay, but my dream has always been to paint the whole thing a shabby chic white. My two questions are:
1. Can I paint directly over the existing paint, or must I “zip strip” it?
You just need to start painting. No prep. Wipe off the spider webs!
2. The top of the table is still the natural wood. Do you recommend leaving it or painting it white as well? I think I would prefer the all-white look, but have always been concerned with it getting wrecked from use. I suppose a few nicks and scratches would add to the shabby look…
It is a personal preference. I prefer a table that is fully painted.
I have been watching all your tutorials online and cannot wait to get started! Just wondering do you have to use the brown wax or can you finish the piece just using the clear wax?
See the answer above. You will want to use your clear wax first.
If I paint ASCP on something outside, no wax, what will happen if water gets on it, ie. sprinklers, rain.
You pieces will be fine. Of course it is outdoor furniture so after a year or so you will start to see weathering and changes, but embrace the aged look!
Was wondering how I might get your help picking colors for a project I’m working on. I have pictures I could send you but I want to be sure you do this kind of thing.
You are more than welcome to email me photos for my opinion. I get loads of emails a day so I am not always quick to respond to these requests. I will do my best, however!
To sum up this email i wondered if there was any advice you could give me on how you started out or things that you have learnt in your time doing this or things that you would or would not recommend. Pretty much anything you regard as good information for someone like me .
I think it has to start with a love of the craft. Otherwise you will burn out with all the hoops you will need to jump through. Then start small painting a few inexpensive pieces here and there. Spread the word with friends and family. Try selling at a local fair. It is a slow process so always come back to the joy of it. Good luck!
Your last picture looks just like me! I think I have the same painted sweats and flip flops. My daily garb! Love reading your blog!
Love your last photo, nice authentic distressing….:)
I just bought my first ASCP!! Bought at Vintage Oaks Market. And my thoughts about coverage over old paint and finishes were answered here. And I didn’t realize I needed to use clear wax before the dark wax.
Thank you for all your patience with the questions.
Barbara Ann
Thank you for posting your tutorials and answering nonstop questions. I’ve completed my 6th project now with ASCP and have actually sold two of them! Your videos helped me learn what to do and I can’t thank you enough. I’ve fallen in love with ASCP and now want to paint everything I see.
When painting or not painting drawer pulls or knobs. How do you decide?
Also if painting, what is the easiest way to handle….Ive tried and I get paint everywhere and “touched” places on them.
I just found and watched your video! perfect!
If you take the hardware off….any tricks to handling while painting?
Hi Christen,
I know you get tons of emails so I hesitated sending you anything, but figured you must be thrilled to hear of a new fan – so here I am
I came across your blog yesterday as I was You Tubing videos for painting an old table of my grandmothers. I am totally obsessed with your style and only wish you lived closer so I could see your work in person (I’m in Jersey
I am now very inspired to use Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint and have found a store right here that sells her stuff woohoo!! This first project of mine, being my Grandmother’s table came out rather good – although there is absolutely room for improvement for which I will continue to follow you. Anyway, you’re fabulous and fun – so Im so glad I found you
Keep up the amazing work girl!