Here are you Q&A’s!
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As a busy mom myself, I know your time is valuable. I was just wondering when you have a moment (ha ha), if you wouldn’t mind giving me any suggestions on styling my mantle (pics attached)? It is the most awkward mantle and I have tried many times myself to decorate it. Now, it’s just become a catch all of framed pictures and a few knickknacks. But it’s driving me crazy and I love how you decorate and would appreciate any feedback.
Sounds like a great topic for a post! I would recommend taking everything off and starting over. Take off the frames and leave the off. I think fames are kinda awkward on a mantel. Look for symmetry when placing items on your mantel. A few candle sticks on either end. Keep it simple.
Love the large twig urn you are selling. Would you be able to ship or do you know where I can get one similar to it?
I’m so sorry I can’t ship some of my smaller items. I just plain don’t have the time for it at the moment. This may change those as my kids get older. Thanks for the interest!
I am working on a beautiful piece today with a cherry stain and am running into a new problem that I’ve never had before…after doing 2 coats of pure white there are streaks of the wood stain seeping through the paint. I’m supposed to have this piece delivered and completed by the end of the week, any suggestions??
Yes. You need to shellac it first. This is called bleed-through and you can fix it with a spay can of shellac. Then paint your piece as normal. You may need a few coats if stain still comes through.
I did an armoire in the white but it doesn’t look like yours did you put the dark wax on yours?
Did you use Chalk Paint or milk paint. Either way, I watered my paint down and then applied it so that the undercoat really showed through. Thin your paint out. No, I did not use any dark wax. The brown you see is the wood coming through.
What is this brand of chalk paint at Michaels? I too have a really hard time getting the ASCP.
Oh, that’s too bad to hear. I know my stockist will ship ASCP from her stop – Stylish Patina. Another Reader said that Marthat Stuart now has a furniture paint that she sells at Michaels. I have not seen or used it yet.
My dark wax brush has dried out and is putting brown specks on my furniture when waxing…how do you clean your wax brushes?
Yes, you def need to clean your brush if it is causing trouble. A lye soap is ideal, but often I just use dish soap and soak in a mason jar overnight. The next day you will be able to peal off any excess wax buildup.
I was wondering what color paint you used on the inside of the vintage armoire? And I’m wondering if you used that same color in your chicken wire hutch? I love it, and would love to use it on the inside of my hutch. Could you let me know when you have a chance?
Duck Egg! I feel like this color can go two ways. It could be a contemporary color, but if you sand and wax and distress then it is a beautiful cottage look. I used only one sparse coat.
I was wondering what type of chicken wire you are using for your cabinet and where did you buy it? I would like to replace the glass in an armoire with chicken wire but it doesn’t seem to be sturdy.
I will be doing a post on this soon! I used a small gage chicken mesh in brass. I will also link where to get it.
My question is….is it even possible for me to chalk paint the (also hand-me-down) oriental rug in my dining room? I H-A-T-E it, but rugs are so expensive! I know you can paint fabrics with Annie Sloan chalk paint, but this may be a whole other animal. I’d really love to get your expert opinion on this.
Sounds like you are not fond of this rug 🙂 If it is between you throwing it out or painting it then go for it! I have not painted fabric before because I personally prefer to replace and reupholster, but I do understand that this is expensive. Have you thought about a natural fiber rug?
Do you have any advice on getting started and taking the first step form your experience? I would really appreciate your feedback.
I always tell people to start from a place of joy and peace. Sounds silly, but if you do not find solace in your painting then you are going to dread doing it every day. Then you need to market yourself. Start with business cards and pass out to your friends. Word of mouth is the cheapest and will always be the best, I believe. Talk about your business and then sign up for a little fair. Gain confidence and keep praticing.
Do you ever spray paint the ASCP? if yes, how did you find it and do you have a spray gun you would recommend?
No, I have never used a spray gun with ASCP. I would be open to trying it, but I also think it may take away some of the peace & solace I feel when painting.
The other question is when you paint a solid colour and don’t distress your pieces, how do you ensure a lovely even finish?
Just be sure to use a clear wax all over the piece.
I must be super clumsy as I have tried to do a good job, but it’s never neat like yours? Any tips would be appreciated.
Are you using a good brush? Do you need to replace your brush? How many coats are you putting on your piece? Go slowly and make sure you like what is happening. You can always start over.
Just had a quick question. I have been getting your emails for over a year, and they always lift me up. I have been missing them for several months. This was the last one I received (back in April)! So I went on your website to sign up again, and the provider said I was already signed up. (I knew that–just aren’t receiving them!!!)
Are they going into your SPAM folder for some reason? Take a look and I will look into it on this end!
Firstly, I am obsessed with your house and amazing work on All your pieces. I love Annie Sloan chalk paint. Question- I have a lowboy that was originally cherry … A nice piece. It was during a time where I couldn’t make up my mind what color I wanted to paint it (ugh) so, needless to say I have a red drawer, green, charcoal … I want to repaint and fix this. What should I do to get even color over all these different colors? Thanks in Advance for your time. ~Jules Potter