Got questions? Email me at If you message me questions on FB it will take months for me to get through them. Email is best. xo
I have three pieces in my space at a vintage decor shop. The owner of the shop has asked me to pick up three of my pieces and give them an updated paint color. So the duck egg blue, paris gray, and old white are not selling. I let the pieces “talk” to me and tell me what color they want to be painted. And now I am faced with having to paint them another color. How would you go about deciding what the new color should be if the color you painted them is the color you feel was the right choice for that piece?
I think many painters are faced with this same question when they have a shop or have their pieces in a shop. I know a seller that will usually repaint if the piece is not selling. Furniture is big and it takes up space so I understand the dilemma. I would ask the shop owner if she has a good idea of what color tends to sell in her space. Maybe you live in an area where people gravitate towards a certain style. Maybe the shop sells to a certain cliental. Look around and see what else sells in there. I think it’s always good to know how long a shop owner will keep your pieces if they are not selling just so you are prepared to make changes if needed.
Where should I look for furniture at? What type of furniture should I look for? I’m hoping to consign some pieces at a local store. At what point, should you become a business?
You can find pieces from your neighbors, Craigslist, Goodwill, the side of the street 🙂 I would say that you need to make sure that you don’t spend a ton on any raw piece of furniture if you are trying to sell it. Paint and your time is expensive so you want to make sure you put a bit of money in your pocket too. I always tell people to go slowly. Don’t quit your job to sell painted furniture. See how things go and if you are selling then wonderful! Keep working until you start making a profit that works for you.
I can’t find black wax and can’t order it. Anything else work?
Oh no. You can definitely order Annie Sloan Dark Wax online and many other companies, including MMS make a antiquing wax.
Christen, when you paint a dresser or anything with drawers, do you paint the drawers on the sides too?
If there are beautiful dovetails then I want to see this craftsmanship so I will leave it. If the piece has a noticeable side and it makes sense then I will paint. It really depends on the piece.
My hubby thinks I’m crazy because i keep having him pick up furniture i buy off of a buy sell trade site and bring it home! I was wondering if you have any pointers for me!? Would you get a storefront? How much can i make? My dream is to stay at home with my kids and do something I love!
OH, I want that for you too! See above answer. Paint until you start selling pieces. If you are selling then keep selling until you are making a profit that you are comfortable with. If this grows then save up those pennies for your shop. Make sure you know what goes into this lifestyle and if you want/are able to support it.
I have a question I have an existing fireplace that I had painted white not with chalk paint so my question can I put the clear wax over any other paint.
You can, but I would be wary of putting wax on a fireplace. Wax will melt when in the sun or near heat. Brick around a fireplace should be fine if not too close.
Do you recommend waxing bathroom cabinets after painting?
Yes. You want some kind of coat/sealing on anything that has the potential to get wet.
I am from Australia so my question is where do I buy this paint and the wax and brushes?
I remember hearing a few years ago that she started selling in Australia. I recently received my Google Analytics page and Australia has one of my largest readership groups! You guys must be painting up a storm there 🙂
I was just wondering if you could advise how much you get out of a tin of annie sloan chalk paint.
If you are doing a standard 2 coats on a piece, like a dresser. It should be about a half a can of paint. If it’s a huge, large piece like I just finished, you could use up to 2 cans.
In Australia, I order my Annie Sloan paint from Paint Me White.
Christen, I purchased some small samples of Annie Sloan paint about 6 months ago and have yet to use them. Recently I moved and noticed when I was packing them for the move some colors had separated and seemed watery. Can they still be used?
Thanking you in Advance
Wanda Ahlsen
hello! I was literally in the middle of getting ready for an event today at the place I have my little space in, and I had a flash back of an outdoor event my sister and I took part in. That memory prompted me to ask you what is the most unusual thing you have sold at an event or in your home that you did not even think a customer would ask to purchase? I ask this because at said outdoor event a lady asked to buy the ribbon we used to decorate the outside of our tent. We were like sure why not! We didn’t even think anyone would think to want it!
p.s. Thank you for answering my last question. You really helped me out!