Here are your Q&A’s! Be sure to check out the video of Bensten at the end. I know you all have been praying for him!
Got questions? Email me at
I would like to try your technique for being creative with a drop cloth. I’m wondering your thoughts on attacking it with a wire or stiff bristled brush to aid in softening/distressing/antiquing. Do you think it would help or just tear up the fabric too much.
The drop cloths that I use are canvas so you don’t have to worry about tearing the fabric. It may be hard to control if you are just doing lines like I did. However, if you are going for a larger design it could give you the texture you are looking for. I would work with a smaller brush for control if possible.
I have some pieces I want to share with you that you have inspired me to create…if you are interested.
Yes! I love to see your projects!!
I am a little stumped as to when a person should paint the inside of dressers, desks etc. Do you paint the inside of desks and dressers?
I never paint the interior of a drawer. It’s just not necessary. I love old pieces and this reminds me of where the piece came from. I do paint the interior of a secretary and armoire since I am going to open a door and see the inside. I think a contrasting color looks super cool.
Do you clear wax all surfaces that you paint (interior sides/backs of hutches for example). That is the hard part and I’m inclined to only wax the surfaces that will need protection.
Yes, I clear wax all pieces because this does add a protective layer. If you do not clear wax then it is a chalky surface that is more prone to scratches. I do not dark wax all pieces as dark wax is for a look and not protection.
Did you ever do a post on how you installed the chicken wire on your cabinet?
Yes, I believe I did. It involved a nail gun and patience.
I was just wondering can you use chalk paint over wood furniture that’s already been painted? I think with a latex paint?
I love the TV hide and seek screen. Is it available for purchase?
Due to my work load I am not doing custom screens right now. Check back in, though.
I love the fabric that you have above your kitchen window, as I noticed it also matches some of your pillows. The other fabric that I really like is on the couch in your formal living room. It has more of a French motif, and it appears to have actual people on it. I was hoping that you knew the names of the fabrics and where I might be able to locate them.
It was many years ago at an online shop. I know I’ve written about it so you may want to do a search on my site. I will try to find it.
Were you able to paint while you were pregnant and, if so, did you take any precautions like wearing gloves?
If you are using Chalk Paint then you will be safe – it is environmentally friendly with no chemicals or fumes. If you are using other latex or spray paint I would hire someone to do it for you. The fumes are too much, especially indoors.
How do you price your services? Do you go by hour or size of a piece. I would really appreciate if you can give me your take on that.
There are many factors. How big is the piece? Consider the cost of your materials and your time. Where do you live? Is there a market for this type of work? Do you know how to give a client what he/she wants? I cannot give you a cost, but think about these questions. You will always have to tweak your cost. You can always ask if he/she thinks the price sounds fair.
In your experience, what TYPE of pieces sell faster than others? I’ve read your advice about what you are normally willing to pay for pieces and our need to be patient for a piece to move, so thank you for that smart advice. As I search and negotiate prices on pieces (Craigslist, flea, etc.) I find myself wondering which types of pieces you have found move more quickly than others (armoires, dining buffets, bedroom dressers, etc.). Obviously a higher ticket item will sit a bit longer in general at times, but have you found any sort of trends to what people tend to swoop up the fastest? It helps as I plan on what combo of pieces I should purchase at a time.
In my experience beds move the slowest across the board. I find that the items that move quickly make sense: dressers, consoles, side tables. Think about the items in your own home that are necessary.
I was just wondering how your nephew is? I have been praying for him.
Amazing! Have you seen the video of the Caps visiting him? Check it out! Prayer works.
Love that they call him B-man…he looks so sweet and happy. Praying for a full recovery.
I’ve been wondering how your beautiful nephew was getting on…so pleased to see his happy smile and that he’s on the road to recovery…best wishes to your family , Dale/Sydney, Australia
I just saw this on the NHL Channel today! I did not realize that this was “your B Man” so glad he is doing better. In our house the Duck’s are our team. But if the Cap”s make him feel better then that’s a Goal! Best Wishes B Man keep shooting the puck!
Barbara Ann / shop /barbaraannscreations