Hi Friends! Here are your Q&A’s. Got questions? Email me: cbensten@blueeggbrownnest.com
I just wondered if you have tried spraying as you go. Painting by brush is hard work. If you have tried spraying how did it turn out?
I am wary of spraying down my piece with water as I go because this could change the color. If I want to do a second coat I will have to make sure I every little inch because the places that I spray may lighten the color. I would be scared to do it with a final coat because I like to do touch ups on my pieces. The beauty of Chalk Paint is that the color ALWAYS matches. I don’t like to mess with color too much when I am working on a client’s piece. They expect to get the color they choose and I want to do my best to give them what they want.
I painted my cabinets with two coats of Annie Sloan, then waxed with clear wax, then distressed a little and rewaxed over those areas! I have found a couple of months later, that I am seeing some very small darker stains near the knobs especially near the stove and sink area. Any ideas what is causing it and what I can do to fix it!! Kind of looks like water marks or maybe grease??
It very well could be grease or dirt. These sound like high traffic areas. Did you let your wax dry completely because using these areas? Like, did you let them dry for days? Just a reminder that painted furniture is still suceptable to wear and use. Just because you paint it does not mean that nothing will ever happen to it. That being said, you can sand these areas down and touch up with your paint.
I loved your youtube on you painting the table. I also tried it and was very pleased but i am concerned with the top of each piece I did. They look great but when the smallest amount of wet gets on either piece it leaves a ring spot. I was wondering if you know of another product to use just on the tops to seal them better than just Annie Sloan’s wax?
You can always use a poly found at the hardware store. You can get a matte poly so you will not get a shine on the surface. MMS also sells hemp oil, which some find helpful, but this will need to dry for a very long time. I have many, many painted surfaces and do not get rings. I let pieces like this dry for many days to avoid any issue.
Oh please, oh please Christen, tell me the vintage circus horse is still available. I love it so much and always have admired it in your beautiful pictures.
I have not seen a single one since my wholesaler stopped selling them! I promise I will buy in bulk and sell if/when I see them again!!
I wanted to mention a product that I wipe down furniture with before I paint. It is called Krud Kutter Gloss Off. It can be purchased at most paint stores and home improvement stores. It will remove residue from dusting sprays and will dull a glossy finish on just about any surface. I know it is not necessary to de-gloss when using Annie Sloan paint, but it doesn’t take any time to wipe down a piece for good measure. : )