I apologize for the wait in responding to your questions. I try and collect a few for a post, but realize I have been delayed in answering! Thank you so much for emailing/posting to ask my opinion! Means the world.
“The bedrooms in our house each have one short window – like, probably, 4ft wide by only 3ft tall. Would you still do floor length panels on that size window or would you do more of a valance or roman shade? The previous owners had short panels that ended about 6in below the window and they just don’t look right. Any suggestions?”
In my opinion it’s always good to have more light & more windows. If you have smaller windows then make them appear larger. Try putting floor-length panels on on a curtain rod and let them pool at the bottom. This will give the illusion that you have longer windows than you do. If you put a valence at the top of the window, I think it can look a little like the window is just floating there and doesn’t really anchor the room at all. Add the curtain panels and then put a little side table underneath the window to create some context and interest.
“I was just wondering if you have painted any floor with annie sloan pain. I was thinking of tearing out my kitchen floor and painting it. I have been doing alot research but have not found one person yet that has tried it yet.”
I have not painted any flooring with chalk paint, but I’ve seen plenty of painted wood flooring on HGTV as I’m sure you have! I think I remember someone doing stripes in fact. Annie Sloan herself painted the exterior of her shop in her paint so if that works then I’m sure flooring would. Test it out in a little corner and get comfortable with the idea. If you are not in love with your floors and you are thinking of having them redone then you have nothing to lose. Any type of chalk painting is an adventerous process so have fun!
“How long did it take you to get your business up and running? How did you advertise?”
That is a tricky question because I feel like I’ve been preparing for this business since I was very little and used to study my Dad designing and creating jewelry. That led to loving working with my hands and trying several mediums. This is what is working for me right now. Who knows, in a few years I may be on to welding! I am doing a Building a Business Series on Tuesdays that I hope will answer some of these questions as they are the most frequently asked. Start as if you were only going to create for yourself. Then you won’t be disappointed. If others see you work then try to sell, but start small. Don’t underestimate word of mouth. Seek out opportunities like small craft shows in your area. Talk about what you are doing. No, I have not done any paid advertising and I hope not to.
“…how do you keep your kids from moving every ” knick-knack” around?”
To be honest, I think when kids grow up around items that they see every day they don’t always care about touching and playing with them. I don’t necessarily put glass balls and objects out, but they really don’t care about the ceramic urns and cloches. Sometimes they will pick up my old books or wood objects and that is fine with me. My oldest daughter likes to decorate the family room and move things around. I am happy that she’s able to see where she may put things and puzzle them together. Of course at nap time I put it all back where I wanted it to be! My bedroom is off limits to getting creative. No food/drink or sticky hands!
“I am admiring your crown in the family room. I have heard the wdth of the modling with the middle painting should be 1” per foot of ceiling height. How wide is yours, it looks so perfect. I would love to hear you and the hubby’s thoughts on the width of crown in relation to the ceiling.
Answer via DH: Our crown is a three piece crown that consists of the following:
2 WM-753 Beaded Base Backers
1 WM-47 Crown.
The backers are set to reveal about 3 inches from the crown on both the ceiling and on the wall. As it relates to the dimension compared to the ceiling, our ceilings are 10ft but we have used this same design on a 9ft build and it looked proportional on both. It is very common with taller walls to do the same crown but run a single piece of ogee cap about 6″ below the bottom backer to add some dimension but it can be complicated by door and window heights.”
“First off, I have been wanting to paint my interior pantry door a pop of color?? It’s just your standard builders door…. It’s white and plain. It does have the squares in the center of it, nothing fancy. Is that okay to paint with the chalk paint and wax?”
Sure! You can really paint anything with ASCP. There are days when I want to paint all my doors and mantels. Hmmmm….
“I have a dark espresso side table from target that is just holding a lamp in my upstairs loft that I would love to try this paint on and I am pretty sure it is laminate. Can this be painted as well with chalk paint? Is there any prep work necessary for these 2 pieces before painting?”
No, there is no prep work for ASCP. That’s why it is so wonderful & fun to experiment with. You may use it on laminate. However, be aware that when and if you want to sand the piece to distress it the particle board or whatever is underneath the laminate will show through. This is fine, but I wouldn’t do too much sanding or rubbing. Instead go over the edges with your dark wax to achieve that rubbed look.
“Working on my first ASCP project and plan to do some French script, etc. stencils. Looking for some tips, planning to do it after painting and before the first coat of clear wax. Am I headed in the right direction……..????”
Yes, paint your entire piece with you ASCP. Let dry. Then do your stenciling over the dry chalk paint with whatever type of paint you wish. Then continue on with your clear wax and dark wax process.
“I see some pieces that they keep the top brown do they just sand and wax?”
Yes, these are beautiful, aren’t they? If you would like to restore the top of your table and keep the natural wood you need to follow traditional refinishing steps by sanding down completely, removing all poly and stain. Then you will need to restain in the color of your choosing and poly over top of it. You can then paint the legs a chalk paint color for contrast if that is what you are after.
“I have an old pie safe that I want to give a try, but can’t decide if I should paint the tins? What would you suggest?
I love the idea of keeping some aspect of your piece true to its original state. I don’t typically paint the interior of pieces because I want to see where the piece has come from and be reminded of its transformation every time I open, say, a drawer. Definitely keep the tins as they are and enjoy the contrast.
“Have you ever painted oak with the ASCP? I think that oak can be a challenge to paint but didn’t know if you had ever tried.”
The wonderful aspect of Chalk Paint by Annie Sloan is that you can paint near anything! Metal, wood, laminate, etc. Oak for sure!
“Do you think I need to paint the hardware on my dresser?”
When it comes to hardware my rule of thumb is that if it’s cool & interesting keep it in its original state (meaning, take it off and don’t paint it!). If it looks a bit cheap and distracts from the piece then please paint it! If you are planning on putting on replacement hardware then you must take of the existing hardware when painting the piece so that there are no spots left unpainted if the new hardware is of a different size.
Did I forget to answer you question? Terribly sorry email me (again)!
Hi Christen,
I LOVE your website, tutorials and everything else. I accidentally found you through my search on Youtube for Annie Sloan painting techniques. I have just recently made my first purchase of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and have been very hesitant in starting my project. I watched your tutorial on Chalk Paint and now feel confident in attempting it myself! However, I have a totally different question for you…I love your interior pictures and was wondering if you would share what colors you have used in your wall paint choices? Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us all
Yes! I will post next week answers. This was a popular question this week, funny enough!