“You are here not to shrink down to less, but to blossom into more of who you really are.” – Oprah
Would you all just endulge me a moment and let me marvel at the timing of this quote? I ran into Starbucks between the gym and a doctor’s appointment and didn’t get a chance to even sip on my coffee until T-Ball practice. However, when I did I about cried.
What would it look like if we were all able to be BIG and BOLD in our choices for ourselves? What if we were not afraid to try something new and live out loud? What if we were not scared about embarrassing ourselves? Shaming ourselves? What if we were able to ignore those nasty voices in our heads for just a little while? How BIG could we get?
As you know I know nothing about business but what I’ve learned on my own. That is alot in a short amount of time. I do know that every business starts with a little idea in a little head. Then it is up to that person to grow the idea. Sometimes this happens and it becomes a little seedling and then maybe a prosperous & fruitful plant. Other times it just sits there and doesn’t get any sun or water or care. The sadness of it all is when we hold ourselves back because of fear or doubt.
What would it take for you to grow a little bit? Letting others see your work? Writing about it? Trying to sell your wares? Practicing a bit more? Ignoring the nay-sayers? Finding motivation?
If it were easy to be BIG we would all be doing it. We can certainly practice though and maybe one day get a little closer.
Here’s to you and to me, learning how not to fade into the background, but to Live. In. Color.
I needed this inspiration today. Thank you!
Yours is one of the first blogs I happened upon when I decided to start my business and I was so thankful that I found it because you have inspired me from the start and I have learned so much from you. Thank you so very much!
YES YES YES – well said, again Christen!
You inspire me everyday, and I want to THANK YOU for that!
Thank you for being just the inspiration we all need!”
You are an amazing, talented and inspirational woman!! Thank you so much!!
I agree with Tennille. You ARE an amazing, talented and inspirational woman! I love this post, it makes me feel better about who I am and about trying to be more, thank you!
Gigi @ Old World Patina
Love this post SO much! Thank you for the inspiration and truth about what really holds us back. I want to be BIG and bold too!
Thank you for your inspiration xx