…in time gone by. (Love that Les Mis is now a household name as it should be.) I think dreams for oneself are always changing as we change & grow. When my sister was little she is quoted as wanting to be a “naked clown”. I’m not sure where that came from or what circus she was after, but it stuck as the running joke. I was a much more timid & subdued child. I wanted to grown up and live in Price Edward Island with Anne & her friends and write books.
Sadly, somewhere along the line we realize that we have to be quite ambitious to make these little dreams of ours a reality. We can’t just say we want to be the pirate of a boat, as my 3 year old son does, and not have a boat. And little does he know that boats cost quite a bit of money.
We probably did not say we wanted to become aritsans or crafters or painters when we were little, but we probably loved the arts. When reality began to set in around senior year of highschool that I was to find a college to support my profession, I know I felt as though I had to scramble. I still remember my highschool creative writing teacher telling a disappointed me at 17 that I could not eat my poetry for breakfast. Ouch.
Life took over and I did as I was supposed to. Graduated, got a job and worked my heart out at something I did not love. I found solice in writing & creative things and dreamed it could be bigger. Years & years went by. Strange things started coming together like building our house, designing my kid’s nurseries, working on furniture with my DH. My marketing background took over when I decided to document my chalk painting process and I wanted to show & sell what I was working on.
Building our first house.
I certainly never wanted to grow up and be a chalk painter. And maybe I won’t be chalk painting forever. I kinda think watercolors would be pretty great. Or maybe I’ll be a yoga instructor in my 40s. Life took me here and I’m able to enjoy it as part of my motherhood years and thirty-something time.
Maybe you’ve dreamed about having this business of yours and dreamed of making it into a profession. Maybe it has taken a while to get here or maybe you still have a ways to go. Maybe you dream of opening your own shop or becoming a part of another person’s shop. Dreams are ever changing and I think we need to be open to the circumstances in our life and the direction that they lead us. We can work towards our vision and have a goal in mind. But, what is happening in the present is equally important in leading us. Maybe our kids are too small for the shop. Maybe our finances are not where they should for all the materials we need. Maybe we need to care for a loved one who is ill. Maybe we are in the middle of a rough patch in a relationship. Maybe we have no space to work. Maybe we are in a waiting period.
Don’t be disappointed if your dreams need to adjust because of where you are in life. We are ever changing and learning new things and our present circumstances are adding to where we will end up. I am not saying ever give up, but maybe learn from where we are & be patient. What we are experiencing in the now will give service to where we will end up.
I’m not writing poetry, but I do get to write. Every day. I’m open to where I am and excited about where these lessons will lead me.
WOW! Not planning on leaving behind my love of teaching, but this spoke volumes to me! I paint my heart out all summer and in the evenings…just can’t get enough of the creativity and the “high” that it brings! Thank you for sharing your heart:)
Beautifully said! Great post : >
Thank you for your post, there are so many of us right smack dab in the mist of all you describe! Your work is incredible! Wishing you a peaceful day ~
Wonderful post, my friend! You are an inspiration and I’m so happy for you that your dreams are coming true! Hugs to you and those beautiful kids – come play some Tuesday soon…
Love what you said, it’ s all true, just found that all myself….I felt like saying Amen, after reading this post…
You are a wonderful writer without any doubt…I am fifty (cough) something, and am learning from you or am agreeing with you as I have found out the same…we never really ‘arrive’, because when we think we have, then we see more on the horizon…..never give up and enjoy the journey as they say…
blessings Hilde
I just wanted you to know that you made my day today!
I have painted furniture and decorated for myself and friends for several years but have not taken the next step as far as business ownership due to finances and worry about success. I left a great paying job a year ago because the stress was making me sick so I’m gun shy about taking on too much.
Anyway, just wanted to say you are so inspiring ! I enjoy visiting your blog and tutorials – thank you!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your “starting a business” post.
I have painted furniture and decorated for myself as we’ll as friends and family for years but have been nervous about moving forward to a Full fledged business. . I quit a job I hated a year ago and walked away from a good paycheck , so not only are finances tight but I am also gun shy about taking on too much and being stressed like before.
Anyway, you are truly inspirational for those of us who are passionate about painting,decorating and vintage finds, but have not had the wherewithal or confidence in taking the next step.
I know at some point I will be ready, until then its baby steps. I very much enjoy your blog as well as your tutorials. You are an inspiration to all of us that dream to make a Hobby into a living- to do what you love!
Thank you!
Thank you for this! I feel like this was written especially for me! I am a professional graphic designer, turned photographer, turned chalk painter. LOL – we do evolve and dip our hands into so many things as creatives. Love your spin on this, thank you.