For better or for worse you & your pieces & your walk & your talk are all a package deal. Make them look the best they can while being as true to your personality & perspective as possible. If you do girly & cute, then dress that way. If you so uppity & elegant then play that type of music in the background. If you do Country, think about how to design your site & cards to reflect this style.
There was a vendor at Luckett’s and the 3 girls selling had on matching red chevron skirts, which matched their business cards, look, etc. Love that. My girls from Vintage Marketplace next door always have an amazingly good & sweet smelling candle burning. Think about your senses when selling.
You’ve heard the phrase, you eat with your eyes first. Same is true for shopping. You will find me purchasing many more items in a shop if there is good music, a good smell, things are arranged neatly and no sales people are bothering me (a pet peeve for sure!)
Some rules to keep in mind:
1. Keep your space/house/viewing area clean – If you are a small business owner and you sell from your home, then make the space as presentable as possible. Don’t leave out toys & diapers, food, dishes, clothes, etc. I know I don’t want to shop in a place that looks disheveled. The one caveat I have for this rule is that if you ask to come into my garage I warn you that it is a “working” garage, not a showroom. Be prepared for working conditions.
2. Candles – light one. Use some citrus spray or a diffuser. If you are selling items that go in the home make sure your own home smells beautiful and not like last night’s curry dinner.
3. Dress nicely – If I am out selling or at a consult I try to wear a dress. If I am in my home it’s a bit more tricky as it is my space. I allow myself to wear paint clothes because in between appointments I’m painting! Or if you are picking up a piece or dropping off on a Saturday morning, most likely you will find me in my bathrobe. I gotta draw the line at some point.
4. Music (if possible) – Think about going into a spa. There is always music playing. Even when you go to a website of a spa there is music playing! It’s inviting you to come in and relax. What type of music reflects your style?
Last but not least if you happen to have a very, large dog put him away. If you happen to have 2 very orange & social cats it’s every person for themselves!
What do you call your style? Not sure I know how to categorize it. 🙂
What would you call your style?
I agree with all your points! Especially hovering sales people, they make me so nervous and I end up leaving!
I love reading your posts and love looking at all your decor! It’s so inspiring!
I just came across you blog… Love it! I am enjoying looking and reading!
So nice to meet you!