I make all my kids do quiet time in the middle of the day as well as myself. I sit down…and it cannot be in front of the computer. I sit down with my book or to take a cat nap or to watch an episode of Downton Abby. If I miss quiet time then I am a bear at the end of my day. I need to recharge and us introverts do that by being alone & quiet. I go to my safe spot, my white room.
I think it is really important to quiet our minds as a creative people. I work/paint hard on the weekends because that is the time that my DH is here and can help with the kids. Hard. I know when it’s time to stop when I can’t really think clearly and see where I’m going with the next project. My eyes start getting a bit fuzzy and so does my brain. Things just need to marinate in there a while before becoming clear.
It really works too. I come back a few hours later or the next day and I know what I’m doing. I’ve allowed my brain to rest, think about other things and then typically, I end up dreaming about painting and things become clear. I mostly dream about projects or the reoccurring nightmare that I’ve missed history class for the entire semester and I’m not going to graduate!
The creative process is just that, a process. You can’t force it or it will become that dreaded word…WORK! In fact, I’ve noticed that if I try to finish something up and plow through my dizzy-brain I make mistakes that I have to remedy in the morning. And that is just frustrating and like working backwards.
There is no shame in taking a break and resting your brain and your limbs. In fact, it is healthy for this kind of work. It will make you more productive and energetic. Your ideas will flow a bit more easily after rest. It reminds me of writer’s block. Walk away for a bit because joy comes in the morning.
Ollie needs quite a few naps in his day.
Thank you Christen for this reminder. I too have quiet time in my house and without it I start to unravel. Sometimes, I find I feel guilty or unsettled by leaving my projects unfinished for a bit, but in the end (you are right), I am far more creative and productive.
I needed this post today, so thank you!
I know exactly what you mean! If I don’t step back and recharge a little….I notice that I start making mistakes or spill something or else everything starts going wrong for me. I’m a homeschooling mom for many years and I have ALWAYS had a quiet time each day where all the kids would go to their rooms and either read or nap. I think it also encourages a love of reading. We all need to get a fresh look at our work sometimes…especially when we’ve had a brush in our hand for too many hours! I love to hear what you have to say each day! I really enjoy your blog!
I love your blog! I too need that quiet time just to sit… We have 4 active boys and I am always dreaming about lpainting something new;) The poster bed you have painted is the same one I brought to NZ from the USA and I too will paint it so cannot wait to see your final product;)))
Love your white room and precious kitty! Such a great shot of her “cat nap”!