How can you not? A creative business is more about you than it is about what you are producing. So when one receives a negative or critical comment it is really difficult to let go and not respond. I really have no business writing or offering any advice on this point. If you’ve read my blog for a while now, you know I’m a bit like Taylor Swift after a break up. I want the last word and I’m willing to sing about it.
I have been blessed with the most loveliest of readers and get sweet & thoughtful comments and emails and posts all the time that I’m extremely thankful for. Amongst all the goodwill, every once in a while unfortunately a bag egg gets in and I click open an email to a rough comment. I wish I could tell you that I’m so strong & confident that I just hit delete and think nothing of it. But, I’m not.
I have invited a wide world into my home, quite literally.
My quiet study.
Mister hunting for treasure.
Kane taking a nap. And of course you know Ollie & Owen.
If you write or blog or speak or teach a part of that communication is becoming vulnerable and opening up. That’s how one connects with other people. I want that. I want to connect and share and inspire and get inspired. It is worth it and it is necessary. Otherwise, you are just a business without personality. Let us see what you love and how your craft is all connected to your life. This will make your business more successful than if you manufacture a persona. ..and BTW an audience can tell when you are what you say you are. So be true. Of course the negative is that when you are open you are exposed. There are bad days for sure, but like I say to my kids when they watch a Disney movie: “Evil never wins.”
P.S. Happy Day to my son, Pirate Skunkbeard as he’s known around these parts.
I so enjoy reading all you have to say. I could not agree more. There are times, I ask myself why I would want to put myself out there. I like your point of view and perspective. I will have to re-read this when I am feeling like I would rather not deal with the general public and all the negativity.
I think you are cute as a button ! I discovered your how to videos on YouTube yesterday…and I thought they were so great! You are a natural in front of a camera , and a great teacher and your work is A-MAZ-ING ! I’m a new fan. All those others that can’t say anything nice are just jealous, untalented, insecure people…so there !
I am enjoying all of your information and videos! I is giving me courage & confidence to start putting my furniture & other art out ther for the world to see. I think sometimes we are our own biggest critic and not everyone is going to like every piece. That’s the great thing about art! It gives an artist the opportunity to make a person think whether its good or bad you’ve caused them to have an emotion 🙂
I think u r lovelly!I love your elegance!lI enjoy your blog very much!thanks for sharing your taste with us;)!x
Thank you for your wonderful, personal videos! I am excited to share them with my sweet sisters and get started reinventing TLC pieces of furniture. Know you will work through this ‘bump’ and continue being who you are. (people only have power over our lives when we give them permission to). Love your blog (and you’re right, art doesn’t have to be agreed on to be loved!)
Your furniture is beautiful, your “Taylor Swift” tendencies are charming and when you write about vulnerability, you remind me of Kate Hepburn…you’re much stronger than you realize!
So beautiful (especially your darling chocolate Labrador. I just adore chocolate Labs!) Can’t believe you let that lab on your beautiful, white covered chairs!! (But also maybe your Labs aren’t in muddy marsh water everyday like ours are.)
Your home is soothing and beautiful. You have much to be proud of!
Small House / Big Sky Donna / White Oak Studio Designs / SW Michigan
Hand-Painted Vintage Furniture Transformations
Facebook: (for portfolio of chalk painted work)
I am excited to share them with my sweet sisters and get started reinventing TLC pieces of furniture. Know you will work through this ‘bump’ and continue being who you are.