Let’s just say you are minding your own business writing about your experience with your craft and someone responds with a very strong opinion against what you are talking about. What should you do? Think of it like a little, ity-bity piece of salt. So tiny, so small. So small that it does not have the ability to really change the flavor of your food.
There is freedom in writing about your craft. You get to be the teacher and educate based on what you have experienced. People can take guidence from all of it, some of it or none of it. That is their choice in return. It should not deter you from talking or writing because this will help solidify what you’ve learned.
The beauty of art is that there are no rules. There are techniques. There are guidlines when it comes to how to use your materials. But, the way that you use these materials and put them together for your end product is really your own process. Pushing the limits of your materials is also a way to elevate your final product. Hello, Picasso, Miro, Alexander Calder, Modigliani.
I wonder how many people said to Modigliani, “Dude, your proportions are so way off. Look at that neck.” But, we all know his work by those long, slender necks and faces. One of my favs.
I bet he thought of these words like one piece of salt and he kept going on and on.
Talk, write, share the way you experience your craft. Don’t be detered when someone else thinks differently. It is not a boulder in your path. It is a grain you can just step on and keep going.
Dear Christen, I like your site, your projets and what you write.
You inspire me! I paint a lot of projets that my husband build for me.
We live in Granby Québec. I talk about You to my friends!
I used chalk paint for almost my projets.
Tank You for sharing your projets,
Dear Christen, I like your site, your projets and what you write.
You inspire me! I paint a lot of projets that my husband build for me.
We live in Granby Québec. I talk about You to my friends!
I used chalk paint for almost my projets.
Tank You for sharing your projets,
Dear Christen, I like your site, your projets and what you write.
You inspire me! I paint a lot of projets that my husband build for me.
We live in Granby Québec. I talk about You to my friends!
I used chalk paint for almost my projets.
Tank You for sharing your projets,
Dear Christen, I like your site, your projets and what you write.
You inspire me! I paint a lot of projets that my husband build for me.
We live in Granby Québec. I talk about You to my friends!
I used chalk paint for almost my projets.
Tank You for sharing your projets,
So proud of you Christen!!
I think this can apply to different aspects in life, what you are saying . Thank you for your input.
your just keeping it real, there is always the “others” out there that try to knock you down, for many reasons they do it that only they know. Perhaps their bitter or maybe jealous but none the less ur keeping it real xx your work is amazing
Some people just like to criticize. They must be totally unhappy with themselves. Jealousy is an ugly beast. I love your work and your attitude toward life. Keep up the good work.
I am a physician, a pediatric anesthesiologist in florida. I believe, and teach, that anesthesiology is like art, taking all of one’s medical knowledge and like painting, creating for any given patient, the most excellent anesthetic possible to give the patient the best possible outcome. Art, medicine, life. I adore your website because it makes me happy to think about things that create beauty. That’s what we are here for, right?
Yes ! Take it as a tiny grain of salt that melts away . You inspire and encourage that stays around in a positive way ! Who’s to say who is better … Michelangelo , Jackson Pollack , Monet ???? It’s all ART ! ( A- ability R- relieve T -tension )
You create ,share , encourage ! Keep it up girl !
You have inspired and encouraged me so much, I knew in my minds eye what I wanted to achieve with my furniture but didn’t know how until I found your tutorials , I watched everyone I could find and then went got my paint and was overjoyed by the results of my very first piece, my projects may not please everyone but they please Me!
Thank you for being there to show me how xx
Thank you for this post! It feels like you wrote it just for me and the week I’ve been having! You inspire me every day with your creativity, work ethic and ability to stay true to yourself. xoxo