As I mentioned, DH treated me to the most lovely experience at The Inn at Little Washington for my birthday in September. I am secretely – or not so secretly – hoping it is going to become an annual tradition.
I must say that the one of the main reasons I loved it, besides the atmosphere and the food, was that it was so inspiring to hear about Patrick O’Connell’s story. In the little documentary playing on the tv in our guest room, we learned that he deliberately went to Washington, VA – a town where there was NOTHING with the intention to create a home for himself. He believes there is a place for everyone in this world; a place where we are meant to be. Washington was his.
His success grew from this belief.
I think I am so impressed by this because he did not seek out the hottest city with the greatest restaurants and traffic. He listened to his inner compass and chose a place suited for him – AND THEN SUCESS FOUND HIM!!!
Who would have thought that people all over the world would come to a little southern town in Virginia to have a meal. But they do! It is not because he has commericals and great marketing. It is because he created something authentic to him and mastered it and the world took notice.
I left with this notion impressed upon me. It makes me think about all that I am and all that I do and how if it is authentic to me and originates from my brain no matter where I am there is a possibly to be met with greatness. I think the struggle is to stay in our own skin and be patient. I think reaching out can be helpful of course, but there is such a silent confidence in working hard and staying true to yourself that will create a lasting effect. I think it would certainly keep us centered and grounded and help us to only do what we know to be right by ourselves.
Sherry Myers says
Great thoughts. I absolutely agree. What could be accomplished in our world if everyone would work toward being exactly what created them to be?! You are certainly making the world a better place. Thank you. Serving others is our greatest calling.