Feeling safe is a big preoccupation for me. I want to feel comfortable and know what is around the next corner at all times. I want to surround myself with people that make me feel accepted and I want to try to fend off any events in life that will cause me or my family pain. I can’t help but think of the little purple creature in the movie Inside Out.
I’m right there with you, Pixar. I get it.
But, there is a part of me that surprises this little purple person that makes so many of my decisions. It is the part of me that is dying to participate and to play and to try new things and to trust that all will be okay and that maybe it will be more than okay and I will actually have a fun experience and grow from it! Whew. Isn’t that what we all want? To be able to play and try new things without getting burned? I know we all know people that approach situations with ease and trust. I am in awe and totally don’t get it. I empathize with the group of us that are calculated and need to really analyze the risk before moving out into the deep waters of adventure.
I am pretty sure that God did not design us to live a life of fear. I think many times when we are in a vulnerable place and about to make a decision that others sometimes project their fear or trepidation onto us in the well-intentioned guise of care and concern. I think I was often warned against trying new things because of the anxiety I saw around me. But that little flicker inside of us, that bit of joy, that says, “Hmmm. This could be a really wonderful thing,” does she ever win out?
This has been a big year of change in my life and I am working on receiving many blessings, albeit changes. I can plan and try to foresee speed bumps along the way, but we all know that life throws unfair curve balls. I know that there is a little fire in me that, even though I feel fearful and scared a ka-zillion times throughout the day, I also am dying to see what new lands lay ahead of me.
I am pretty sure that God wants us moving. Just look at nature and how it evolves and changes. Look at how our very own bodies grow up and grow old. We could not stand still even if we wanted to. We are meant to take a step out. Maybe it is just a baby step for you today. Maybe it is an idea that you’ve been sitting on for a while and you are waiting for your spouse or friend to approve of you doing it. Maybe you are paralyzed by the judgmental eyes that you felt from a long time ago. Maybe you are afraid of failing and that you will look like a fool. Maybe you are just not sure you can do it all. Let me tell you that even this fear that you think is keeping you so safe, it is not. If your fear is working overtime and keeping you at a stand still then it is not keeping you safe. It may actually start to make you feel resentful and bitter and tied up in knots. So, you might as well try moving forward on that scary decision in your life and your business. You might as well see what the grass feels like under your toes. Standing still will only keep you safe for so long before it eats away at you. We are meant to move. I encourage you to step out today. Push past the fear even just a tiny inch. Make one movement forward and then tell me how you feel.
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WOW,I really needed that today.Yes I have been living in that house of fear too long.
I love this. Thank you for being–and pushing us to be–brave!
I learned many years ago that fear is a paralyzing agent. I always remember that when I doubt myself and think that “I cannot possibly do this”. I push forward and do it.
We have already succeeded when we overcome fear. Keep doing what you are doing, you have already proven how good you are at it.
Beautifully written!
Thank you for the encouragement to push past fear <3
thank you……
Thank you!
This something I needed to hear (read) today…..thank you for being you!