I feel like I have so much to write about since working on the market & so many pieces to show, but before I get carried away I have to do a post about my dear friend, Cindy Moore who designed my logo, blog & business cards.
I first met Cindy at the design firm we worked at, Zimmer Gunsul Frasca. If you know anything about architecture, you’ve heard of them because last I checked they were #5 in the country. When I left the firm my going away gift was a book autographed by Frasca. She was hired out of Pratt to do graphic design for ZGF. I was the marketing coordinator there and we became fast friends during our late nights and crazy deadlines. Can we say Johns Hopkins Cancer Center proposal anyone? Whew!
the nest is a painter’s palette. Very clever, girlie!
Without exaggeration, Cindy is one of those rare gem of a friends that come along only a few times in a lifetime. She is so interesting, so talented with a sweet & calm disposition to match. But, her sense of adventure is untamed. She tried to convince me for a good 6 months to go with her to Iceland back in 2005. She went. I didn’t. I believe she just got back from Hondurus….right, Cindy??
I am always hoping our paths cross again since life is so busy now that I’m at home with kids & she is at the Library of Congress. Looks like they might as she wants to learn how to upholster with me & is interested in selling vintage clothing & designing fabric.
Hat’s off to you, my friend. Thank you for all your help!
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