Brent said I needed to choose a color so we could get it before the rest of the world shut down. We hope to order it if possible? We are not quite there yet, but I’m definitely into dark and probably in the blue family. Shocker. Don’t tell DH, but I really don’t know how this will turn out…..eeek.
These are all Benjamin Moore. I’m partial to Dark Harbor. Anyone have any experience w/ this color?

“I encourage people to be brave with color and unleash their inner artist,” said Ms. Eiseman of the Pantone Color Institute. “Experiment with color, have fun with it, allow yourself to live with it for a while. It is, after all, just one or two cans of paint. And when, and if, you tire of it, move on to another color and treat yourself to another creative exercise.” – New York Times
Yes, I agree NY Times. Now is not the time to hold back. We need something bold. I want to paint all the trim and the ceiling the same color too. High gloss. Brent is rather scared. It’s ok, I tell him. We can do hard things 🙂
Here’s some samples I found.
Apparently, it’s a popular door color too. Hmmmm.
Yes or yes?!
Anyone ride with Ally Love on Peloton? This is my very favorite quote from her. “Yes or Yes?!” I use it all the time with my kids. If you ride the Peloton try her. You will not be disappointed! She does a class on Sunday called Sundays with love. It is really motivating and inspirational.

So glad to see you posting again. I have missed your inspirations
Like them all, but I think I would go with the Galapagos Turquoise (don’t see the “Turquoise” aspect online) because it is just a hair brighter. But, who the heck am I? LOL YOU’RE the expert. Good luck with the project.
Yes glad to see you posting, can’t wait to see how it looks.
Gosh, I love all those “teal” colors! How do you choose? I guess it would depend somewhat on exactly where you were planning to use the color. I think Dark Harbor would make an awesome front door and shutters. I would definitely paint my front (and back) door that color. And I wish I had shutters so I could use it on those, too!
It’s nice to get a post from you. I’ve always loved the title of your blog and your sense of style. Hope to see more of you. Stay well—and sane!
YES! I like that color but out of fear would probably pick Galapagos. I do love a rich dark color for an office or cozy reading nook or maybe a half bathroom. Good luck with your choice. Can’t wait to see the results. And thanks for posting to give me something to think about other than the virus. Have fun!
I painted my son’s room Dark Harbour 2 years ago and still love it. We also converted a closet into an office, a “cloffice” if you will and painted it Dark Harbour as well. Even with it being a small space, it works great! Simple gold frames really pop against the dark colour. We are actually in the process of moving and I have already ordered more dark harbour to do the spare bedroom as well as the front door. It’s a gorgeous colour!
oh lovely. it’s such a great, rich color.
What color would you recommend to accent Dark Harbor for the ceiling n trim? I need some help! All recommendations will be appreciated,
we actually painted the trim in the dark harbor! I love it! oh and the ceiling!