I just can’t help but think that we are all alike in our need to be heard, loved & comforted. Every day we get up and walk out into the sun and start a new day. Sometimes things go well, smoothly or just mundanely. Sometimes we run into road blocks and stern faces and stressful situations. It’s inconsistent. At the end of the day, we snag a seat on the metro or turn up NPR in the car so we don’t have to think too hard about the traffic around us or we beg our kids to keep their hands to themselves and stop antagonizing their siblings during a 5 o’clock dinner at the counter.
I’m been thinking alot about rest & peace and how we can better care for ourselves. We would not expect so much from others, but we can totally expect the world from ourselves and get angery & frustrated when we are not up to par, right? I know I’m not the only one.
I have found a few glimpses of peace & comfort during my adulthood and for sure in a little company called, Barefoot Dreams. They have been around for years and I was first introduced to BD via my MIL many years ago. One morning she had on the coziest, cloud-like robe on that I had ever seen. Cue love.
Tony Soprano even had an affinity for the robe during all 6 seasons of The Sopranos and can be seen going to get his mail in one, belt unknotted. Every year they seem to come out with a cozy rendition of something to put on or wrap yourself in. I’ve owned the cardi’s, hoodies and my beloved blanket.
In fact, during my recovery it has been the only thing I can sleep with because it is lightweight and does not weigh down my arm, yet keeps me totally warm. It is what I pull over me when I get a moment of quiet time in my bed and reminds me that we can pause and breath.
Ollie seems to have fallen in love as well. He parked in in my BD blanket for an entire 2 weeks while I was in bed. I think he is the only one that comes close to being a tad bit softer.
If you are looking for something soft to land in after a cold, hard day this is what you need. It’s a game-changer.
Hello Christen…So glad you are feeling better. We all need time to relax and enjoy the people we are close to. You mentioned Tony Soprano and I just saw him and all the others on ET last night who have passed away this year. It’s a reminder on how precious life is. Thank you for all your video’s and blog post’s. You are truly an inspiration, you are so talented and full of life. Happy New Year!
I actually prefer the one that looks like a sweater…I can wear it at home or at the grocery store…it does lose it softness…may be time for a new one for me!
That does look like a luxurious robe! I bet it is comforting to you right now. I’ve never bought anything from that company but have heard of it. May have to go check it out.
I love stopping in every so often to see what you are up too. We have a family owned painting business, and I do decorative and commissioned furniture and cabinet painting. You are in my prayers. I pray that you heal quickly, but do enjoy your healing time which makes you appreciate the small things in a busy life. Take care and stay strong. Time and love really do heal most everything. God bless, Julie
Hi Christen,
It sounds as though you have had a challenging Christmas. One that has made you slow down and re-examine your life. You have been such an inspiration to me and others as well. It is time for us to inspire you. Life has it’s ups and downs and sometimes we stop and question, “Why me?”.
We have looked to your blog to inspire us not only to be better painters, and designers but better people. I especially liked your Dec 21 blog. We all need to share the love of Christ with others in this dark world and you reminded me of that.
Just know we are praying for you during this difficult time and even though I haven’t met you, I feel a bond/friendship and a need to lift you up in prayer. Thank you for sharing your stories with us all and know that you will get through this season in your life and the sun will shine again.
Blessings to you and your nest,