I’m doing a tiny series on on how to create comfort for ourselves. We cannot control what goes on outside the front door or even down the stairs, but we create tiny moments of warmth and find ways to care for ourselves.
My mom used to always light a candle in the kitchen to signal the end of the day – and that the kitchen was closed. The lights would go off and the little flame near the stove would flicker. Day was done.
I think a candle is a little treat and a luxury. You’ve heard that scents can transport you and make you think of memories or times in your life, people in your life. It is a strong sense not to be over-looked. Now that I’m thirty-something and need very little, I have found a candle and smelly lotion as my luxury. I need something strong that will work it’s way throughout the house and into every grey corner, bringing life and comfort. A few years ago I feel in love with this one from William-Sonoma.
It is strong & pink & just lovely smelling. It is fresh and perfect.
PS – I have heeded all your advice and goodwill and have not left my nest in days. Been doing alot of reading in my Barefoot Dreams cardi DH got me for Christmas with a lighted candle in the kitchen. DH has been all things to everyone in my house this season. Blessed girl.
Yum candles! My comforts are a hot bath with Epson salts and essential oils followed by lavender massage oil on my legs. Then I crawl into a warm waterbed with tea and a good book.
Small House / Big Sky Donna / White Oak Studio Designs / SW Michigan
Hand-Painted Vintage Furniture Transformations
Blog: http://smallhouseunderabigsky.wordpress.com
Facebook: donnaallgaierlamberti@facebook.com (for portfolio of chalk painted work)
Love a good scented candle! & the light it gives-
everyone looks good in candle light!
Soft warm & so pretty. Q is bathed by candle
Light in an effort to help set a relaxing “let’s get ready
For sleepytown” mood, call me crazy but I think
It helps! Love your dailies C!