Many people have asked me in the past if painting your baby’s furniture is safe. My advice, no matter why type of paint you are using, is to make sure that it is enviro-friendly and toxin-free. I realize that many cribs come come from far away lands are are sprayed with some type of paint (all 3 of my babies were in white, painted cribs). I chose not to worry about it because of all the cribs on the market that were painted. I always used bite-guards and would recommend using them if you are going to paint you baby’s crib.
I had a client bring me a crib and used French Linen ASCP, which is a safe, fume-free paint and does not chip or flake. Here is the before. It is your average stained wood crib.
In process. Any piece with lots of slats take more time.
I needed to paint the slats many times to make sure they were covered they way I wanted.
I then went back over them and sanded where I wanted there to be some of the natural wood coming through.
Unfortunately, I can’t show you the crib all set up because if you have ever set up a baby’s crib you know that it is a laborious process left preferably to someone else:)
This is timely! I have a friend who wants me to paint her baby crib. Did you wax your crib? If not, what did u use to protect the paint??
*LOVE* that French Linen. Just right. There are wonderful examples (online) of babies’ room in soft greys, beige, cream, ivory and white. So “cottage” and shabby . . . and quite storybook.
Christen, this has nothing to do with post, but could you please tell me where you get your curtains in your dining room??
Christen, I was wondering the same thing as Shona. Did you wax the crib or use something else?