We built our home about three years ago now. It has been a joy living in every space & every corner. However, there was one very little thing that we never got to build – a deck. The mean old people at the county government said we could only build the tiniest, little deck. It is so tiny that our table does not fit on it. We try to squeeze the family out there on a warm day and it ends in a real mess because I can’t reach the child at the end of the table with out making everyone move over. It’s crazy.
We knew that we were going to build one this summer so we could enjoy some outdoor living. When we say that we are going to build one, we truly mean “we”. And when I say “we” I actually mean Dear Husband. He does the hard labor and I keep the kids away and hand him tools. The first five years of our marriage was built on building and many hours spent to and from Home Depot.
Fast forward eight years and all our kids are now involved in our improvements! Love.
I know you don’t hear too much about DH here, but he is really the unsung hero of Blue Egg Brown Nest. He is my #fan, my #partner, my one and only furniture fixture, hardware taker-on-er and off-er, mirror scraper, furniture mover, paint picker-upper, etc, etc. He makes my painting world easier.
Whenever we start a project it is a family activity. That’s the way I love it.
Because snow mittens and no shirt make alot of sense when you are digging.
Most people do not know that how to dig three 6 foot holes and pour a ka-zillion pounds of concrete into them. Mine does. It requires renting a cement mixer.
And a ten foot ladder. (Don’t look, Frammie.) DH would not let me watch him climb this with his nail gun probably because he knows I would have made him get down.
This whole project took him about a week to finish. He built the actual upper deck after work…in the rain. Yes, he is my hero.
We have the metal railings all measured. Just waiting for them to be installed. I think I’ll wait on showing a final photo until that happens. I am excited to say, though, that my table and chairs now fit! Thank you, my One True Love.
Yay, Brent! 🙂 Love that you involve the kiddos. Brent has been your fan for a long, long time. Miss you guys, and enjoy your new addition this summer! xo
Your DH sounds so much like mine. My DH remodeled
the laundry room so that my son and I would have a place
to work on our projects as well as a little laundry.
I would hand him the shingles as he needed when he was
on the roof! I have to say you have inspired me to be
Can’t wait to see the finished result…. <3
Can’t wait to see the rest! We’ve always involved our kids in home projects too…they learn so much that way!