So, I signed with Designer Blogs about 5 months ago. I had no idea that finding a talented blog designer was tricky. Most are booked for months out and then they have to want to work with you! I was excited when Design Blogs wanted to help me.
My dear friend, Cindy Moore did my first design & logo and I loved it. But, alas, she has alot of her plate over at the Library of Congress and I didn’t want to have to nag her for every little thing.
Anywho, we went live last week and I want to know what you think. Post a comment.
We are still tweaking things. One of my priorities is to get a working “Shop” section, where you can buy a piece online and then come to pick up. Often I find myself in a situation where multiple people would like to buy the same piece and I really can’t “hold” it for anyone until payment & pick-up. I’m hoping this will help that.
I also will be starting a “Building Series” starting in the next few weeks. You may see the icons up beforehand. Stay tuned and thank you for the constant support!
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