Oh, three of my favorite words! I am a closet puzzler, you guys. And after a rough year of COVID I’m not so closeted anymore!

I did loads of puzzles to keep my mind busy and my mind sane. They are so good for my anxiety expecially when there’s nothing I can do about it!
I put a table just for puzzles right by the window in the dining room and listen to my favorite podcasts and zone out. Bear is usually with me keeping an eye on things out the window.
My children think it’s really funny to come in at the bitter end and put the last pieces in!

Favorite puzzle brands:

I know I am not alone. Who else loves a good puzzle?
Birdie is usually on the dining table right behind me. You can see she has a fresh, new summer cut 🙂

If you haven’t purchased my new book, Starving: A Memoir, you can do so here! Birdie is a fan.
If you have read it, would you be willing to write a kind & gentle Amazon review here?
I have finished your book, Christen, and I want to just say how brave I think you are for having told your story. For having persevered throughout your life in seeking health and wholeness. I think that those who have had similar experiences who read the book will find strength and encouragement to do the same. Your story is a gift to all those who read it and a testimony to the possibility of surviving and thriving despite the pain and suffering you have endured. I can’t praise you enough for having written it. And I want to add a word of praise for Brent who has stood by you and supported you throughout your struggles. What a gem he is! And I wish you both and your family much happiness and love in the years to come. Brava!
(On another note: Your kitty in the picture above is very unique-looking with her? unusual haircut. Is there a special reason for that trim? I know you do rescues so I’m just curious as to whether she has been injured or has a rash or anything.)