I want to share with you some of my most favorite things for gifts, decor or treats for yourself! Not in any particular order.
My Favorite Things!!
The kids named him Bob and he is the most amazing addition to our family! I have not pulled out our vacuum in months! MONTHS! You set him up to “vacuum” the house and he sticks to his schedule. We set our timer at 10 pm and every night he makes his rounds around the home. When we wake up the floor is spotless! He moves back to his charger when he’s finished like a good boy. If he gets stuck on something, he stops himself so nothing will break. Yes, he does hard wood and carpet. You guys. Genius.
Maybe I’ve been living under a rock, but I did not discover the Kringle until last year. What is the amazing confection I’ve been missing out on? The Kringle is put out on Trader Joe’s shelves during the holidays. You can find them near the bread section. I am a die hard fan of the almond, which basically tastes like almond paste and a croissant and I cannot get enough.
So we all know that basically everything Chip and Joanna Gaines does turns to gold. Agreed. I’ve been decorating for Christmas this past week and I have literally shopped at every store that sells Christmas decor, including Target, Michaels, Merrifield Garden Center, Amazon,Google, etc. The best green garland I have found is from Hearth and Home at Target. I’ve gone back for more twice because it looks so darn good. I will post my Christmas table soon to show you my set up.
I feel like if you want to be happy on the daily it has got to be intentional. I know I have to work on it. This is a really cool journal that will hold you accountable and help you work on consciously being happy. Who doesn’t need that?
You know I preach it and I live it. Self care is not something to be dismissed. It is vital to our physical and mental health. I practice meditation, mindfulness and naps 🙂 My therapist of 12 years has this wonderful weighted blanket in her office and I finally bought one for myself. I use it every single day. You can buy them in different weights based on your weight. I would recommend going a little heavier. You don’t have to sleep with it unless you want to. You can use it when you feel overwhelmed, anxious, upset or you’ve had a difficult day or hard conversation. We don’t need to be overcome by the world and its stress. We can push against it and care for our minds and bodies. It will become a close friend.
And Gus is a huge fan.
I have jumped on the celery bandwagon and I swear it works! A few of my beautiful neighbors have juiced celery for years and they have improved their health by leaps and bounds. It’s hard to turn your back on the hype. For the past two weeks I have had celery juice and I feel less bloated, less hungry and my endocrinologist says less blood sugar, which was creeping up due to my PCOS. The guy behind the craze is the Medical Medium. Before you jump to judge just take a look what he has to say here. You are meant to use a juicer (not a mixer) and have pure celery first thing in the morning.
William Sonoma has a great sale going on now.
William Sonoma Breville Juicer
Y’all, I have a really embarrassing secret. I’m a closet puzzler. I loved to do puzzles with my dad when I was little. We always had a huge one going on a card table in the family room. I now have a puzzle going at all times in my living room and it’s not just a puzzle – it’s a magic puzzle. The magic comes when you tween daughters sit next to you and all of a sudden start spilling all their concerns and fears and stresses. You are both looking at the puzzle, but what is happening is that you are connecting in a no-pressure setting. It’s a beautiful thing! I also go to my puzzle when I’m anxious and my hands need a mindless activity. I’ve been told by therapists that this is a great tool. PS – the more I talk about my secret puzzle life the more I find out that there are many closet puzzlers out there! Of course I have my favorite brand, Ravensburger.
Brush Trees are everywhere this year. You can get the really pricy ones at Anthropoloie and Magnolia or you can go to your local craft store. They’ve been around for a million years, but all of a sudden shops have bought into the simplistic, cleaver design. Here is the Magnolia brush tree. But, again, you can find cheaper on Amazon, Etsy or your local craft store.
I’m 41 and I’m really into skin care. Foreo is a silicone, vibrating exfoliator. I use it every night. It does not dry you out like a loofa or a harsh face brush. It’s an amazing product. It’s small and you can fit it into any little travel case or leave it out on your bathroom sink without it getting in the way.
As an introvert I literally laughed out lough when I saw this mug on the beloved site, Introvert Dear found here. Not much else needs to be said.
I am not a fan of eating pigs, but Dear Husband sure does love some good bacon. For his birthday I got him a Bacon of the Month club. He LOVED it! Every month you will get a big box of bacon from all different parts of the country. You can taste and decide which ones you like and order from that source!
If you are looking for a gift for a child please don’t under estimate the power of a squishy. My daughter sleeps with out 20 of them a night. She struggles with ADHD and they really do help her. I’m a huge fan. (Not suitable for toddlers and babies). Squishes are the only thing she has asked Santa for this year. Amazon sells all kinds. Look for the “slow rising” squishies.
I’m a tea lover and recently discovered this cute this pot for loose teas. It is the perfect size as it makes about one cup for me a few times a day! I just use my favorite loose teas, pour boiling water in, steep for 3 minutes and pour into my tea cup.
I saved this one for last because it takes a special commitment. I have been volunteering this year at three local animal shelters socializing the cats and walking the dogs. There is nothing more rewarding. I joke with Dear Husband that I want our house to be like Noah’s arc except I’ll opt for just one of each animal (minus cats because I’d like at least 20). If you can open your home to an animal please know that these cats and dogs NEED you. If you have the opportunity to walk into a shelter your heart will be transformed. I personally believe that every home needs an animal. We learn more from them than many other relationships. Cheers to Pokey, my childhood cat, that saved my life!
This was so fun! I hope you like my picks. Have any of your own items you can’t live without this season? Let me know and I’ll pick a few to share!
Great list. Holidays and Introverts are a tough combination. You are an inspiration, an Angel