In the spirit of the new movie coming out my favorite thing this week needs to be Steig Larsson‘s 3 part series Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.
In all honesty I put the book down 2 years ago after the part with the very disturbing attack on Lisbeth because I was going through an emotional time in my life just having a baby & my beloved Gram going to Heaven. It was just too much to add another difficult event into my brain. Shortly after that, I watched the Swedish version which although dark was amazingly done. You don’t even notice the subtitles after 10 minutes in.
Now that the American version is out I’ve finished the first book and am about to pick up the second. I’m hooked.
Just as intriguing as the books is the author. He died in 2004 suddenly from a heart attack and the books were published after his death. I can’t help but think how tragic that is. There is talk that his life partner, Eva, is working on his 4 part in the serious because she knew the storyline.
I don’t anticipate being able to get a sitter and get to the movies during this busy time of year, but I will be renting it on On Demand as soon as it comes out. I love reading, but there’s something about the visual that brings the story to life. Don’t miss it!
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