I have been laughing at my husband’s obsession with making Chex Mix every Thanksgiving & Christmas since I’ve met him. He buys 5 boxes of Chex in all varieties and 2 massive foil tins, wakes up early and “cooks” the mix. He doesn’t add any of the other goodies – like pretzels or nuts or whatever else may go into a proper batch of Mix. Just the Chex.
I love most food, but have no craving for the Mix – until my dear friend Heather made me a new kind involving CHOCOLATE & PEANUT BUTTER!!! Need I say anymore? Oh yea, it’s sprinkled with a heavy dose of powdered sugar.
The recipe is on the back of ever recipe box and is called “Muddy Buddy”. Planning on making batches – full for Christmas! You ready for change, DH?
My mother in law makes this by request, often. She uses a large paper bag to put on the powdered sugar and scoops it into containers to bring out as needed. You can tell who has been in the buddies by the white powder on their hands,face and shirt 🙂 .