I must admit that I am rather sad that I will not be a vendor at the 2014 Luckett’s Spring Market. As most of you know I had a bad accident at the beginning of December that took me out of commission. I told the folks at Luckett’s early in the year that I would not be able to participate.
In the past I have had such an amazing experience. I love being able to talk to others doing the same thing that I am doing, sell and of course shop! Last year I would have been frantic at this time and of course that means having the entire family participate in the Luckett’s process!
Fiona next to the Budget truck.
I really felt torn about going and feeling sad or not going. We ended up having other obligations this very same weekend and I took it as a sign. But, that doesn’t mean that YOU shouldn’t try to go!
If you decide to make the trek be nice to all the vendors because it is not easy to set up, sell for 2 days and tear down in the rain & mud. It can be very messy, in fact. You will find so many cool things so it is worth going!
I still feel a part of the action because Luckett’s for the second year running has used images of my blue Union Jacks!
- Dates: May 17th & 18th 2014
- Times: 10am to 5pm daily
- Location: 42350 Lucketts Road in Leesburg, VA 20176.
- Event Type: Outdoor market selling antiques and vintage items; open rain or shine. Field parking.
- Number of vendors: 170+
- Admission: $7 per adult per day (children 12 and under are free; NO PETS PLEASE). No fee to park.
Have fun & I will see you next year! xoxo
Christen, I was wondering why I didn’t see you setting up yesterday. So sorry your injury is still making things hard. But you have such a great attitude. And I think a little fun instead of craziness will be great for you. We will miss you though.
All the Best!
Marian Cutler
We will miss you this year! Hope all is well.
Semper Stylish
Awe, so sad I won’t get a chance to meet you! I rode up from NC Friday with my DH to check out the cool Spring Market. Still looking forward to some great buys:) take care