Ok, I know it’s Saturday, but I’m doing Favorite Things today because I’m not sure where yesterday went. Buried under all the snow was this mama and her three, little birds. After baking, puzzles, snow-playing, painting, movies, naps, and books I slowly start losing any and all motivation. I know you can understand if you have Littles.
You know I have a slight obsession with Union Jack and all things English (including my wonderful readership there!). I saw these framed maps at Wisteria of London and haven’t stopped drooling.
I love how aged & graphic it looks. This look is not hard to do with any of the large maps you may own. You could use very basic, black frames and still get a high-end look. You will need a really sharp X-ACTO knife, however.
This is a beautiful way to create inexpensive wall decor. Or if you want to spend $700, you could always buy the maps from Wisteria! If you do, email me a pic!
I love maps too and you’re right, they can be expensive. I have a few small ones framed in my dining room that came from a calendar. I often find calendars are a great source of potential wall art and at this time of year you can still find some, now marked up to 90% off.
$700!! Yikes! I think I will have to stick to the DIY way! They definitely have a great look framed this way.