I finished up a few marble-top tables recently. I think marble, vintage tables are so simple, but offer such class to a space. Usually you will find a wood base, which can be ornate or simple and then a cut of a Carrara or other white veined piece of marble on top. The marble is heavy and is cut to fit the base.
Here is one of the tables that I brought out of my Luckett’s space yesterday. Did you know that you can call in to the shop and buy a piece and they will hold it for you until you can pick up?!
I love how a base like this looks in Paris Grey. I believe I priced it about $250. There is also a matching smaller one out there too.
FYI – I have just purchased several Santos dolls that I will be putting in my space at Luckett’s as soon as they come in.
Let’s check out how marble-tops look in home-y spaces.
I think marble is such a clean, classy look even when not found in the kitchen!
Thank you for being such an inspiration! I just love your style! I watch your videos before I begin my painting projects and they give me direction and confidence. I was wondering if you have tried the “wet wax” tecnique? I wanted that white washed look with some pieces and my stockist told me to give that a try. I can’t find any videos though.
Thank you and be well!