That’s pronounced Masan-yellow and it is my maiden name. When I was living in London, I came across a painting in the Portrait Gallery of a young fisherman revolting against the Spanish. I don’t remember the name of the artist, but I do remember seeing “MASANIELLO” in bold print in a description of the fisherman. I heard stories that there was a statue, that he was king of Italy for a day, that there is an opera & a flower name Masaniello. And, of course, it is my dear Dad’s name.
He is a jewelry designer as was his dad before him. I know I’ve posted about him and his work before, but I wanted to again because a)he’s my dad b) I think it’s pretty cool that my dad designs jewelry for me & my friends c)it’s a part of my history d)it’s probably the reason why I love to work with my hands, love having my own studio space, and go antiquing and e)he now has an Etsy Shop!
Masaniello Designs
Unlike other jewelry designers, everything is hand-crafted. No piece is caste or plated. And every piece is his own design or his father’s. He works in sterling sliver and all kinds of gold.
My very creative sister, Sharon, has helped him set up his shop and will be adding to the selection when her sweet girls let her get near a computer!
Check out my dad on Etsy!
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