Camp Peterkin. The smell of chlorine. Cute Keith something or rather splashing with the boys in the deep end. Me in a ruffled pink full-piece throwing my play clothes in a wire pool basket in a sea of many stacked baskets.
Full circle. 34-years-old. A grown up home. Kids. And sitting center on the coffee table, would you guess – a wire pool basket. Rusted. Lovely. Vintage.
You have probably seen these popping up in all your catalogs lately. Of course mine had to contain some old books.
This rusted one is off Etsy. But, I did find some brand new ones from Amazon for my son’s wall & his own colorful books.
Ballard put rope, papers & boxes in them:
Restoration has crisp, white towels, they just won’t let me borrow their picture to show you. Here is a link:
Happy accessorizing!
Check in at Blue Egg Brown Nest for new inventory! I’m trying to paint as fast as you are trying to furnish 🙂
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