Before kids and a large dog, DH and I always had a garden. I loved it. We grew green beans, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, etc. There is something so magical about eating a food that you’ve grown from a seed in your own yard. Then Kane came along and he thought snacking on raw zuccini was super entertaining. We haven’t had a garden since.
This summer we are working on our outdoor living spaces. A patio is in our future, landscaping, an entertaining area and a garden. It feels important to show my kids how to grow one. I became increasingly frustrated that we were not able to have one and so, like many things in my life, I found a way around our issue.
A raised garden.
Truth be told, I had looked at these many times, but it was not until I saw Martha Stewart on the Today show plant one that I ordered one for our deck.
It is basically a cedar box on legs that you can put anywhere. You need a ton of soil and we lined ours. I think purchased seedings at Home Depot and voila!
Greta made labels and my nerdy DH installed a drip line. What a keeper he is!
I purchased the Gronomics brand from Amazon and we have been very happy.
I also love the signs of life in our front yard this time of year.
Loving our koy pond too!
HI Christen,
I love the pictures of your garden. What is growing up the small trellis on your garage? I am looking to do something similar and wondering what plant is that??