I’m sure you’ve seen your share in home decor magazines & Pintrest lately, but I too had to have one!
My DH calls it the bullet fan, but that seems a little violent for a household with 3 little people in it.
It’s one of those little accessories that I’ve probably passed by a 100xs at Lucketts. It received the cold shoulder until all of a sudden I NEEDED one. I love zoning out and browsing Etsy and happened (not really happened I actually searched for a few days) one that was the perfect shade of robin’s egg blue from Michele at TwoButtons4ever. Well, I did need something to go with my growing number of blue Mason Jars – ordered a few of those too!
Small enough to fit on the mantel in front of the tv. There was one casualty in the mail, but Jennifer from MaisJamais (a shop on Etsy) is going to send a replacement.
I found lots of “bullet” fans on Etsy if you are looking for one for your counter top or desk area. A fun & interesting accessory indeed.
P.S. If you are looking for the same color as mine, just found one at: buyvintagesupplies
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