I truly, truly love the idea of bright blue eggs in a rustic, twiggy nest. It is just beautiful to me.
What is even more beautiful is when my sweet & creative children notice how much this vignette means to their mom. Fiona made this in school.
I also have many hand-drawn pictures from my other children of nests and eggs and birds. The idea of three, little perfect bright eggs containing SO MUCH life & love inside.
Looking for a name for your creative business? Please pick something that truly inspires you.
Love you more than life, Fiona, even if you color on your walls & your little brother.
I love your home ….What is your paint color on the walls? I am trying to find a neutral warm camel color…so many to choose from! Thanks..Susan
I love the image and even better the real nest. I have collected the “fallen” ones in my yard and on walks. I pick them up and examine the materials and work that goes into making these little homes.
Last year I found a Cardinals nest on the ground with 2 broken eggs and 2 intact eggs. I left them untouched for over a week to see if the Mr and Mrs would come back. When I was sure the nest was abandoned I saved it.
This reminds me to put out the dry grass rakings for the birds.