Hi! Thank you to all that entered my holiday giveaway last week. The winner was chosen at random and is…Sarah Susie Miller-Smith! Congrats, Sarah. However, I can’t find you. I don’t know if you saw my post or don’t get on Facebook often or Messenger, but you one, Lovely! I would love to send you your prize from Ballard. One of these beautiful mercury bowls from Ballard Designs.
PS – it’s now a “Hot Item” on their site – did we make that happen??
I feel like we are in one of my favorite movies, Serendipity and we can’t fine each other! If for some sad reason I don’t hear from you this week, I am going to select a new winner Friday.
Email me or DM or Messager!

Also, I wanted to let the rest of you know that I’m going to be doing another giveaway on Instagram. It’s going to be just like the Facebook one and I’ll write the rules again so follow Blueeggbrownnest . You will also get updates and videos from me as well as furniture that I’m selling. I sold my living room set in about 2 minutes (thank you to all that expressed interest!)
The giveaway will be one of my favorite Capri candles in a fir and firewood holiday scent. So pretty, yes?

Also, check out my memoir if you are having family feelings right now around the holidays. I get it.
Starving: A Memoir by Christen Bensten
If you have read my book, would you be so kind to write a nice, 5 star review? They help. xo
PS- I also like to write little quotes on Instagram….

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