So…I’m old and that means my wedding photos were all given to me by my photographer in a big old box of FILM! Of course I printed out a book of photos and some to frame and hang, but what about all those candid shots and dear moments? I needed to put them into digital photos for myself and posterity.
And guess what – it’s super easy!
I used Digmypics. I mailed them all the film and within weeks then sent back the film and emailed me all my photos in digital format. I could pick the shots that I wanted to keep and leave the ones that I didn’t want to pay for. (I ended up buying most of them because I didn’t want to miss a moment.)
We were married going on 23 years ago this Fall and I am working on framing some of these amazing moments. I’m planning on framing them in a series of large frames on our bedroom wall. I will update you with the progress. In the meantime, cheers to special moments.

Book Nest:

Starving by Christen Bensten

Crazy On You by Christen Bensten
You’re “old” ??? Oh my dear you’re still so young & need to emphasize that to yourself & enjoy it to the fullest. Truly being old comes much to quickly & you’re astonished when you realize you’ve been around for 70 years! I never thought of myself as old until someone mentioned I was old enough to qualify to join the quilting club at the Senior Citizen’s center. I visited once and just.. couldn’t. Everyone seemed … so old. They were because they saw themselves as such. So I left after about an hour & never looked back. Not that there is anything wrong with these centers or they don’t provide a wonderful place for the elderly.. but in my now 70 year old heart.. I’m still not “old”. I’m experienced.