Hi Friends.
Thank you for checking on me. I love that and I love you! Where have I been? Well, a busy, sunny and family-filled summer ran into September, which ran into school and piano lessons, guitar lessons, tennis lessons, and soccer, soccer, soccer! Threaded in there has been some family and health issues that take time and patience. But, if I’m being honest it’s not just all this. I’m not sure how to put it into words, but since you’ve asked, I guess I would say that for the past few months I’ve taken up all the energy that I’ve spent blogging and painting and business-ing and turned it inward, towards my family and myself. And I’ve stayed there. Because these important people need me big time. And not to sound too yogi, but I’m trying to listen to myself and sit with my feelings – be still – because I think this is where I find answers when they are ready to be revealed. Do you feel this way too?
My birthday is tomorrow. I turn 39. Some people may say that this is really young and others would say it is old. I think it is just about the very middle. And if I stand in the middle I can try to see all the way to the horizon before me and if I turn around I can see the mountains and valleys of the past. I think maybe I’m fully an adult now and I want to be the kind of adult that is quietly wise, bending towards the creative and unique, able to not take herself too seriously, laugh at everything funny and love big. Maybe it starts with these goals first and then finding a way to get there.
What I do know is that all these little choices and minutes and days that go by where I feel tired or anxious or busy or silly or happy or loved are the bricks that are building up a life that is mine. What the final product of what I’m building as my life is never the point – the end result is never the point. We know that, don’t we? It’s the days and minutes and the actual process that is the meat of life and what really counts. I love the quote by John Lennon, “Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans.”
So, I am still here. I still have a full studio space filled to the brim. I still care about my surroundings and creating home. I care greatly about writing and I care about all of you. I am still Blue Egg Brown Nest. I definitely have thoughts continuing to form about the direction that design is taking and like it or not, the tide is turning as it always does and will. Rooms are sleeker, colors are present, brass is beautiful and spaces are minimal. I’m not worried about this for myself, because I’ve always had a bent towards whatever I imagine would be in a Jane Austen novel. I will always love old books, casters on my chairs, glass cloches and old furniture. I think there is a lesson in this about knowing yourself. But, like fashion, cooking, and the great big ocean, tides move in and out. It’s up to you to decide what you want to be surrounded with and how to keep it intentional, which is always the real design challenge in any home.
As for me and my house, I am loving my kid’s teachers, the new yoga studio I belong to, my smaller-sized jeans, pizza night with my neighborhood, DH’s love for hockey, Luther on Netflix and my new kitten, Gus. This is where I am.
Happy Happy Birthday !!
Happy birthday! I’ve always felt that turning 40 seems to open new possibilities and also gives you a sense of more confidence. It is excellent to reflect and for you to know what’s important in life. It sounds like you know how important your family is and also how important you are. While we all miss you, you need to do what is right for you….we will just treasure the moments that you pop in to share. I have learned so much from you and you are my go back to resource! (if that makes sense). Sometimes we are forced to realize through death and illness of loved ones, just what we should be focusing on…that has been my year so far….so I can relate. God bless in this stage of your life….enjoy your birthday and embrace everything.
I understand you very well! You are and always will special for us!! Blue egg brown nest still here! Hello Christen! <3
Sorry for the error…..enjoy 39 and don’t fear 40….and don’t hate me for making you a year older! ☺
Happy Birthday! I have missed you. Take care of you and yours! They are the most important thing in your life.
So glad that you are still finding happiness in your life! You inspired me to paint furniture and for that I will always be grateful. I have days where I’m not inspired to get out of bed but I take those days in my stride and know that I just have to ride out the storm.
Keep being true to yourself…and tell you hubby, that Luther is an amazing show…only downside is there are not enough episodes!
I have also been inspired by you to begin painting furniture. You showed me that it’s ok to have a garage full of projects , that it’s ok to be a little messy and to love the trial and error that comes along with this process. My kids have just gone away to college so i have the time. I completely understand that your family is the number 1 priority especially during these school age years. I’m proud of you for seeing that so clearly now rather than looking back with regrets.
Yes… those of us that tend to be “overachievers”. Need to slow down sometimes and look at and enjoy our life. Happy bday and enjoy your family
Christen – I was thrilled when I saw your post in my in-box. I’ve missed your lovely thoughts and beautiful photos. Enjoy 39; enjoy every birthday you are blessed to celebrate. I just turned 60 and never felt better. Thank you for making my day special and I hope you have a wonderful and blessed birthday. Virtual hugs…..
Christen, I read your post with admiration for not only your writing skills but your willingness to look into your own tho’ts and feelings and take time to be with them and discern what they mean in your and your family’s life.
I also know, like you, that I have always been and will continue to love vintage, cozy and patina. So the trends don’t mean a lot to me. If I like something trendy, I may incorporate an approximation of it into my decor, but only if the style, color and texture blend with my traditional look.
I hope you will come let us share some of your jouney, but only as much as you feel a desire to. I love “Blue Egg, Brown Nest”– just the image at the top of your blog cheers me. So, I will be happy to read your next post–whenever it’s posted.
Hi Christen
I understand where your coming from. I to took some time in August and Start of September to reflect on life, and yes me and what surrounds me. And yes life is about building blocks…what you feel bad or good and or otherwise. Sometime we just need to slow down and let life be. You are one special person in my eyes!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Good for you for finding some much needed you and family time. We’ve all been there and can surely relate to it. Congratulations also for turning 39 years young. A fabulous age that I enjoyed very much. Keep on keeping on
Happy Happy B-Day, Christen! AND congrats on the new addition to your family – Gus looks dear!! Hope you can check back in with all of us soon!!
Christen…it’s so important to listen to our bodies and what our personal thoughts are telling us. GIve into them…we all need to step back …feel and then try to feeling nothing. Make it a healing time. Then you will be refreshed and able to move forward…ready to take it all on again.
Listen Christen…feel Christen…rest is so important.
I remember those days of driving to practices, games, school events and grocery shopping somewhere in between. I worked part-time and had 4 kids at home and wonderful hard working hubby. Fast forward, 3 in college (1 a senior!) and our caboose is in 6th grade. I started Yoga when the kids were able to be in the playroom and it was a life saver for all. After several other occupations that balanced my home/school/family life, I now own my own wellness business, which includes a yoga studio and am in the market to sell it after 10 years in business and 25 in the industry. I actually found your website/blog after watching a show that featured a chalk paint artist and your url came up first when I needed an outlet from my day job and a family situation that put me through the ringer. I watched every tutorial and read your posts and you were a breath of fresh air and inspiration to use this technique to brighten my own home and be a distraction when needed. I sold some pieces and continue to contract some work. Just wanted you to know my story and that you are real person and just human when being a mom gets overwhelming. You have feelings and can have really bad and good days…it’s hard to think that way when everyone needs you and you just stand there like “what” now…take a break, do lots and lots of YOGA and your kids will follow that relaxed effort you’ll provide. Just works of wisdom from a now young grandmother and big fan of your nest. Thank you for sharing the real you.